Child seat in AUTO BILD Test
For children weighing between 15 and 36 kilos, Kindersitze der Gruppe 2/3 are available. He is involved in the Rule Children in Alter of three-inhalb bis zölf Jahren. A change of 12 years or a Körpergröße of 150 Zentimetern is a time commitment Children’s seats I am no longer hereditary.
At Gruppe 2/3 the weight is separated
Unlike i-Size-Sitzen, it is possible for the Kindersitz-Gruppe 2/3 to purchase his or her Körpergröße, if the weight of the Kindersitz-Gruppe. You are also welcome to purchase a Group 2/3 Sitz for them with a sample test, and your child will pass by in the Sitz. The children’s care will be served since the Group 2/3 children’s seat on the head is in the larger version. Zwischen der Kopfstütze des Gruppe-2/3-Sitzes und der Schulter des Kindes sollte zemlich genau zwei Finger breit Platz sein. The kopfstütze is by a Hebel – in the Rule and the Rückseite des Sitzes – in the Grote Verstellbar, soda der Sitz der Kindesgröße can be used. The installation of the headpiece is done with the zetimeter, the type of washing is adjusted accordingly.
An extension of the variation is possible
A Gruppe-2/3-Sitze is no longer in height, but in the Breite adjustment bar. The Breitenverstellung is automatically inserted with the high adjustment (zB Cybex Solution Z-Fix) or while sitting, die in the Breite nachgeben (zB Maxi-Cosi RodiFix Air Protect). For others, it is wise to use soft drinks for larger children in the Breite more plates than for smaller children (zB Britax Römer Kidfix III M). Egal ob mit Breitenverstellung order ohne: You have the status of the childish sollte der seat on the side of the side of the page on the 40 Zentimeter Platz for the debt papers, which can say that the kind of time they are filled. Auch Kindersitze der Gruppe 1/2/3 is connected to the “mitwachsenden Kindersitzen”. You can do the following by going directly to the baby tray. All things can undergo the long e-insetzbarkeit of the optimal fit.
Gruppe-2/3-Sitze became increasingly focused on car mechanics. The best position is on the Platz der Sitz. In the Rule, the safest position is the Mitte der Rückbank. If a positioning takes place here that is often not carried out (zB in the background of the fehlenden Dreipunkt-Gurtes), the Wahl most falls on the Platz that shows the Beifahrersitz, the Fahrerseite is statistically affected by an Unfall ist, if the Beifahrerseite .
The type of device you are using is car ready
Gruppe-2/3-Sitze does not have its own Gurt system; The children are secured with the Dreipunkt-Gurt des Fahrzeugs. It’s a good idea to go an eighth time. When you sit on a chair, there is a punk who no longer uses the headrest and the sitzerhöhung. Put the last food you need. If you want to find the right Einsatz of the Gurtes-erklären in the Sitzen mode with Sicherheitshinweisen. For optimal body support, the headrest must be adjusted correctly.
If you get up at Becken, the eighth part of the Gurt is over the Beckenknochen lies and not at most possible. It’s not optimal for sitting, but it can be a head-on treat in construction if you see it. If you are sure that the water is in the river flow, the seat is one of the cars you can use. I am at my best when I am a little, when I move: I think it is not transience, but that the Sicherheitsgurt is not grown or hangs in the Gurtführung – geschwige denn herausrutschen.
Release the head restraint
The next one is with Group-2/3-Sitz that eights, the children’s head in the headfstütze is in a good position and cannot fall. When the children no longer have children, with their waiters after their chickens. When autumn begins, you will no longer find the head in the protected area of the headlights – if there is a fall, you can be seriously disappointed. Deswegen find it ideal to sit on a seat with an adjustment or a special constructor Kopfstütze (zB gb Elian Fix) zurück.
The seat can be connected the right way or with Isofix. During the Isofix protection, the seat remains stable and stable in the air. If there is a car with an Isofix-Annahmepunkten hat, go to the Gruppe-2/3-Sitz with Isofix-Armen zurückgreifen. Different as Baby scales or the Gruppe-1-Sitze, which is generally a separate basis for Isofix-Nutzung in the Rule, the Isofix-Arme is integrated into the Gruppe-2/3-Sitz and can receive a few blows or souls. Once the seat is in a car with the Isofix function, the arm can be folded and the seat is secured with the Fahrzeuggurt.
Seitenprotectors are not available without protection
Viele Sitze beets darüber hinaus more Features. In particular, you can use a similar security tower, which is available with a security guard. A child seat is an individual Ausstattungsmerkmale that Luftkissen in the Kopfstütze or integrated Lautsprecher (zB Recaro Monza Nova 2). If a Kindersitz from the Gruppe 2/3 lasts eight years in the autumn, it is so much more important that it is a bit of fun. All these punks are an investigation beyond comprehension.
Ideal more ideally, the side cheeks and the headlines that the view of the child is not zu sehr ein; the beinauflagefläche is only good when it goes. One of the best ways to check is that the child no longer swings on a seat, can only use a bell system (cutout in the seat fläche and -lehne) to make fabrics more attractive. If you solve the problem, your workload may become lighter. As a rule, it takes 30 degrees in the machine washing program.
Sitzerhöhungen nur im Notfall used
About us: If you have a Sitzerhöungen zählen zur Kindersitz-Grouppe 2/3, you will still have the protective head, rear and side parts – the Körper of the children is an accident after hezu ungeschützt. There is a seat that now serves as a children’s seat in Notfall. I am a Gruppe-2/3-Sitz with Rückenlehne, Kopfstütze and Seitenaufprallschutz.
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