Jean-Luc Caussanel and Tom Lasina: the history of a transmission that includes an agricultural exploitation in Firmi

Jean-Luc Caussanel and Tom Lasina: the history of a transmission that includes an agricultural exploitation in Firmi

It’s essential
Transmettre an agricultural exploitation does not have to be improvised. An example of a broadcast on Firmi, between Jean-Luc Caussanel and Tom Lasina.

The price of an agricultural quarter will be part of the 2030 withdrawal. Faced with innovations, there are questions about the installation and transfer of operations.
“When we hear something, we develop the broadcast,” says Hélène Ginet, syndicale animatrice at the Confédération Paysanne de l’Aveyron.

Dance within the framework of the campaign in the context of the elections for the Chambre d’Agriculture by the Confédération Paysanne, which organizes here at Firma, a conference témoignage on the theme of transmission, on the exploitation of Tom Lasina, which reprises of the operation of Dany and Jean-Luc Caussanel in Sauterusque-le-Haut. With the intervention of Carole Irigoyen, supervisor of the ADDEAR 12 broadcast.

“You are the generation of a multi-farm business on the exploitation of cattle through the après period of my father and my grandfather. My children are on a different fiber. Operator since 1993, you are thinking of a representative since the 2010s. YOU can constructing a new stability in a cette perspective. J’ai is preparing the broadcast from 2019 during a formation transmission J’ai été guidance by l’ADDEAR 12. On a créé l’annonce in 2020 à l’ADDEAR, également au RDI (repertoire départs Installations NDLR) and à la Chambre d’Agriculture visits, of the persons don’t le project is not yet final.


Tom Lasina aux côtés by Jean-Luc and Dany Caussanel Tom Lasina aux côtés by Jean-Luc and Dany Caussanel

Original du Var, Tom Lasina, a suivi of the agronomy études in Montpellier, avant the travailler dans l’interprofessional viande in Nouvelle-Calédonie. In two years’ time, “when you look at the results”, it will be a recruitment process before the start of the installation: “You will be working on the Alps in the south of the Pyrénées. My company Marie is an interlocutor of the Ouest-Aveyron who is conversant with Dany and Jean-Luc in 2020. You are aware of a phase in which Jean-Luc and Dany bought a house installé debut 2022”, souligne le trentenaire.

Il poursuit: “J’ai pu representre le troupeau et même acquérir des terres que des voisins vendaient. Dany and Jean-Luc have both been accompanied, which is the case for commercialization, the major coups on exploitation or my presenter The animals have disappeared in Villefranche and decoupés in Saint-Christophe. You repeat the direct circuit and your development”, while Tom seeks an employee or a salary for the development of the exploitation.

Carole Irigoyen: les clés d’une bonne transmission

Carole Irigoyen is supervisor of the transmission of l’ADDEAR 12 (Association de Développement de l’Emploi Agricole et Rural de l’Aveyron), which accompanies the cédants, the tools for clarifying and ending the transmission project, assistant for the guidance from a representative and tester of the current project.

If you are old, it is a contact with more dizaines of cédants. Actuellement, elle accompanies 50 cédants not 20 transmissions en cours.

For Carole Irigoyen, the children of a transmission who are residents of a preparation for an amount of financial activity (5 years ago), ask for an accompaniment of professions and financial associates in the region.

“Le cédant et le repreneur doivent être pres. Le cédant doit se preparer, reflechir à que sera sa prochaine vie, calculator son budget private une fois de retraite, va-t-il laisser or pass sa maison d’habitation ? C ‘ The most crucial car is a ferme with the height that is so vient d’être reprise, s’il n’y a pas la ferme dessus cela est compliqué”.

“Prendre-rendez-vous à la MSA pour connaître et fixer the date exactly the son départ, youll sera your pension de retreat. Etablir a bilan de ferme pour savoir est l’actif, le passif, comment est l’outil de production , it is transferable or pas, dans quels cas, des biens peuvent être de society est une individual is a poor way to psychologically prepare cars for multi-generational exploitation.

“It is an implicit activity to examine a representative and envy the representation in order to increase the potential of its exploitation, without allowing it to be a place for restructuring or new productions”.


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