That music brings joy into life

That music brings joy into life

Sean Ono Lennon, the 49-year-old musician and lead singer of legendary Beatles stars John Lennon and art teacher Yoko Ono, have a deep connection for music. Before the war there is an instrument that occupies a “Lücke” during the day in December 1980. Die Schwierigkeiten, mit dem Verlust umzugehen, führten ihn dazu, self-Musik zu machen.

The healing Kraft der Musik

I am conversational PEOPLE Sean said: “I haven’t played any music, we think the talent war is over. Der Verlust meines Fathers hát mich dazu , Wege zu finden, om voranzukommen.“ Seine Gitarre was for ihn zu einem Mittel, um den Schmerz zu verarbeiten and eine Verbindung zu seinem Herzustellen. „Musik zu machen hat immer das Gefühl gegeben, ihn better to know it will be learned“, it is clear. Sean in there, who was involved in the songs and the archive material, which was more of a good thing, was for many children, who had lost another part, but was an antrieb.

Sean Ono Lennon made his debut in 1998 with his solo album In the sunin this there is a musical journey and the end result is a lot of work. “Man builds a lot of fragments,” it says, “and I know more about my thoughts,” he said, “but there are no emotions.” It is not yet musical, but there are no emotions. ermögöglig hat, een better Beziehung zu seinem Erbe re-sisters.

Photo: © BANG Media International – Sean Lennon and Yoko Ono – 2011 – The Beatles LOVE – Famous


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