The company AquaBounty has announced that the company has completed its activities on the Île-du-Prince-Édouard, since the glass of the production of saumons génétiquement modifiés in the insular province.
The discovery of research facilities and the development of American society in the small community of fortune, on the island, implies a reduction in the effects and the departure of certain members of the direction.
AquaBounty immediately begin reducing Fortune’s operations, with a second exploitation encore, a procedure for listing a large amount of residual toxins, and a reduction in quasi-total staffing levels over the long termto confirm David Frankthe director of finance and general manager of the company, in a communiqué.
AquaBounty please feel free and miss en vente son exploitation de saumons génétiquement modifiés A Rollo Baydans l’est de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard
While there is no longer a priority in maintaining fortune exploitation operations, it is not taking away enough liquidity to continue operating the market.
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