ARD said Doku is about the publication and fall of magazines

ARD said Doku is about the publication and fall of magazines

Das Magazin VICE registers Frühjahr 2024 Insolvenz An. The new ARD documentation The VICE story – Gosse. Gonzo. Größenwahn. Take a look at the Kulissen of the Medienphänomens and look at the Geschichte vom Aufstieg and Niedergang des Magazines. The triple series is ab heute (11. Dezember) in the ARD-Mediathek refugbar.

The VICE story wurde von Beetz brothers In the Auftrag of ARD Kultur production and said about the day of dreimal 30 Minutes personal interviews with ehemalige Editor:innen, offer unfettered archiving and Insider-Einblicke. Vice has taken note of the world of personal attention, dropped Director Peta Jenkin: “The world was a great success for another Art Storytelling, that man with the journalists was happy.” There are journalistic innovations that highlight the documentation of the market problem, and the overarching through short waiting lists and internal tensions.

In 1994 in Canada, the VICE platform was founded in the Zweitausendern of an international Lifestyle magazine, which with provocative themes and personal perspectives generations von Leser: erreichte. The German Editorial, 2005 in Berlin, was launched as a Hotspot for radical inhalation and außergewöhnliche Geschichten. With articles about subcultures, extended parties and the big losses of the company such as VICE, there is a celebration in the middle world and journalism “nachhaltig in de verändern”, as Kristian Costa-Zahn, head of content at ARD Kultur, think. Allerdings brought the great reforms with themselves: an expensive modeling and the waiting competition through digital platforms that protect the Absturz.


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