Die Sprache der EU lautet “Heuchelei” und “Money”

Die Sprache der EU lautet “Heuchelei” und “Money”

It’s a fact Open source-Beitrag. Der Berliner Verlag has shown every interest MöglichkeitText with substantive relevance and professional quality standards.

Linguists, for all political correctness, often say that it is not “small” and “larger” Sprachen gibt. Wahrscheinlich is right. If the Speaker gets into a bit of trouble, a Speaker can still make a poem about his written work, and this force of power is eradicated. This is where the linguistic romanticism of linguistics ends. When we are a speaker of seinen poems life muss – and damn me I don’t live life bond die Poesie, sondern auch das Leben von seinem Work – the wiring is complicated. Speeches were plötzlich entweder groß and mächtig (was in the rule bedeutet, that sie potenziell “profitable” since) oder small, smaller than the smallest teure Zimmerchen in irgendeiner europäischen Stadt, in the poet dieser quickly lost Sprache versucht, sein Lebensgedicht zu versassen .

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Mirko Radonji

Zum author

Ilija Đurović was born in 1990 in Podgorica, Montenegro. Đurović writes Prosa, Lyrik, Theaterstücke and Filmdrehbücher. Erster Prosaband, “Wie schön sie es treiben in de großen Liebesromanen” erschien 2014 by Yellow Turtle Press, a young Montenegrin publication, is a slatet. This follows “Black Fische” (2016) and the poetry band “Kante” (2018), which was also published at the Festival in Belgrade. 2019 was the Mitgewinner des Montenegrin Theater Prizes for the Best Contemporary Drama, “Die Schlafenden”. Sein erster Novel, “Sampas”, was shortlisted for the NIN Award (Serbian Literaturpreis) for the best Novel of the Year 2021.

More than a year long I wrote in a small sprachlichen Enklave, während a large European Sprache, that Sprache of the Poet and Thinkerthis raue and wunderschöne Deutsch, um mich herumschwirrt, everything produced, separated and controlled. And if this herrschen Sprache in the international community of the Stadt Berlin is aware, it is possible that the German language will last a long time, on the English sour kitchen and a new guest in the Sprache zu Bleiben.

Meine Sprache is a Serbo-Croatian, in the Meiner Grundschule he is Serbian, he is not really genau, who he is in the Schools in Montenegro, where he comes from. I think I am so free when I am in motion, I think I am civilized with all dialects, nuances and turns of speech. I had the pleasure, in the school both books that speak the language zu learn, soft drinks I used to speak well. In the Zwischenzeit is the land, in this sprache (and the most sensible two more) spoken and literature was created, auseinothergefallen and how it was, it seems so zäh and formbar ist who the sprache, in the ruin is tried. Jetzt heißt “meine” Sprache angeblich Montenegrin and is one of the four, which since the present Serbo-Croatian reforms. There is now a nationalistic dummheit that says that the best “new” post-Jugoslawic pronunciation is no longer possible, its original content and “fremdwörter” from the ehemalige gemeinsamen Wortschatz zu verdrängen, soda is statt for sprachlichen Reichtum entschlossen für sprachliche Armut separated.

Serbo-Croatian: One or four languages?

If the “code” is like this, the so-called “unsere” Sprache is represented, and the Lehrstühle der Zuid-Slawische Sprachen throughout Europe. In Germany heißt dieser Code BKMS (Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian). I have the opportunity to study the “Sprachcode” in the study of the South-Swedish Language of the Humboldt-University in Berlin and study the information in the Gesichtern der jenigen zu sehen, which is clear from the facts, in itself a language or a four language act, Welches Wort cannot and should not be used and who were invited to speak with two new Montenegrin Buchstaben. The situation is comical and sad.

On the road or in Bars, I am happy with it, because I have a good relationship with it, where I speak, when I write sage, because I write in “Montenegrin”. It is not surprising, if it is a würde, where I come, most Leute Montenegro come from the Irish Grund who works in the South American Pampa on his personal, mental map. It’s a war for my lustful life. If American and South American literary literature has developed, it is possible that he himself personally comes from Gründen-Montenegro, often on the map of literary late American history.

The Leute of the Straße and the Bars, the generation of the hipster and the newbie, with the fact that they have been fresh for years, in the city that is overloaded, is often fragmented, where I never write English. Or indeed, after time has passed, there is no question of Deutsch. Glücklicherweise hat this great statement, in writing, is a great written writer, the “great” spoken language in rapid all, and thus empfehle ich denjenigen, who is interested in the interesting theme, while Danilo Kiš and his essay “Mitteleuropäische” Variations“. If you see that in meiner Sprache you find Nuances for the “dunkle Nacht” and for the “Hund”, it may be that you don’t think the Hund nor über die dunkle Nacht, under one of the Sprache as Mittel des Kampfes and as Mittel, a curzziigen Frieden zu find, hingbe. (So, who is a man on the Meeresoberfläche liegt and the Rauschen des Meeresbodens in den ohren hört, während über einem, who am 1. May 1999, new Tage vor my neunten Geburtstag, Nato-Jets from the Direction of the Meeres who Zugvögel Direction Landflight .If I have a long-term image, while I was talking about the matter of the friends and the camp members, it was that psychologically it was so good that it was so that I am connected to the movement of the Sprache, free from the Gefühl, that was the davonlaufe or jemandem and was among the mosses).

Europäisches Projekt: All bekommen etwas Geld, ußer dem Autor

And sich in Sprache and Literature If you confirm, that is the rule for “little” speech. When it is light, when the crowds in the street and in the street are a bit, the “uncertain” statement and gaining interest in such matters, it is perhaps more active on the literature and publishing market. While you distribute the small amounts before the large parts of the city expand and put a bit of a strain on the budget, the European ground drum will bring a power, that is to say, the domination and subjugation of the ball have been heralded.

I can banish part of the drum and one’s own situation. In my Fall it is like this: In the coming years, in my life and writing in Berlin, I will be happy, a book on Deutsch zu veröffentlichen and zwei Übersetzungen meiner Bücher on the road to bring. The first installation is a classic “Projekt” action. A herausgeber from the Serbs is one of the great funds that is mumbling on behalf of Kreatives Europa, and for the business of the projects a verleger of the deutschsprachigen Raum, fand auch a Übersetzerin and power a two-way Gedichtsammlung. A typical “European project”, if it is all about money. Alle, außer dem Autor. Zumindest in meinem autumn. As a Scripture writer, it is worthwhile to read my book on German Veröffentlicht. In this autumn war it is naive and grateful, and the book is öffentlicht.

In Rahmen, both of these new superset zungen became different, not less bureaucratic, Maßnahme successors. It acts as a European Union Prize for Literature. A sport that comes out of the closet: Before a year at the “Finals” of these prizes, the little Türen can buy the best Funds and draw from those Funds, generating money for the “Roman-Finalists” herausfloss.

There is an opportunity to be present in Brussels at a special occasion European Commission organizers Veranstaltung. Dort has made the car smaller and larger, a versammelt, one of the European Commission that makes welding, the small and large Sprachen no longer exist, including the Brüsseler Bürokraten irgendwie immer das zitat von Umberto Eco (“La lingua dell’Europa è la traduzione”! (dt.: Die Sprache Europas ist die Sprache der Übersetzung)) we are grateful for our success, we will never be able to write again. And then a Bankett, Smalltalk and jeder in their own (sprachliche) Zuhause.

When the Veranstaltung in Brussels experiences war on the Platz for a bisschen Politik and a symbolic „Oversetzungsfehler“. On the stage of the “Flagey” Saals, we were present in four groups. Jede Gruppe hates Minuten Zeit. The Group, in the beginning, is convinced that Slides is presented by the individual principals of the Theme, while they become a beschäftigen or a bedrückt. So enjoy the Georgian for the Diebstahl of Wahlen, the Armenian for the Klimawandel, the Maltese for the Tod of Migrants in the Middenmeer and for the Zensur of propalästinensische Meinungen in Germany. In most photos of wassermelons, a higher wassermelon is safe, a zitat by Danilo Kiš from the essay “Zensur/Selbstzensur” and then a kurzes Zitat von my “Roman-Finalisten”.

When my foil is at war, the walls shift the wax melons on the same Weise. Kiš’ and mein zitat blieben on the white background, ohne context and ohne wassermelons. For those who did not know more, and if they are sure, the Brussels Bürokraten is making the Wassermelon one of the visual symbols of palästinensische broader estates. If no one has given a presentation in Brussels, everything is still a bureaucratic formal war. If not, this is a problem. In any case, if the organizers show a guilty erklärten, you can use the technique to use a fehler force.

I’m also going with Wassermelon nach Brussels en kam ohne sie zurück. Ob es nun Zensur oder a technical Fehler war, aus dem Herzen der Europäischen Kommission wars, als ob sie mir sagten: „Scheiß auf dech und deine Wassermelonen, es ist nicht zu die, zu kostenloser, es ist een dir, Bücher zu schreiben , vorzugsweise exotic, and veldleicht geben wir if you are busy with your money, and an unusual booker was overwhelmed, when Eco said, if you are not the most wise, and you are wise, but no one can speak Italian in the Drecksloch, since they come, the language of Europe and tradition!”

If they are right, my “Roman finalists” will receive a sogar auf Deutsch after a few years. “Thanks to the European Commission” is written on the book. When the money from the car in Brussels finally ended up on my land, part of the debts were cleared at the Krankenkasse. During this time I wrote in plain and fresh Serbo-Croatian words: “Hvala kurcu”! And who wants to make the people of the small ones übersetzen in the big Sprache?

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