Drohende Haushaltssperre: Biden is about the closure and abdicates Shutdown

Drohende Haushaltssperre: Biden is about the closure and abdicates Shutdown

Chairman Joe Biden’s book died in a minute to one of the American presidents in Kraft paper. The White House passes through the Präsidenten am Samstag. On May 14, the financing of the government orders has reached a level of $100 billion and a catastrophe of $10 billion for Bauern. A sogenannter Shutdown with the Schließung von Behörden and Weihnachtsfeiertagen ohne Gehaltscheck für Staatsbedienstete was damit abgewendet.

The experiences during Biden – this one sounds like a formality – were turbulent days in Congress. Republicans and Democrats have won their own property rights at some point, but President Donald Trump and US President Elon Musk have headed into the fall elections and should expect a new compromise.

Am ende billigten Repräsentantenhaus und Senat eine abgespeckte Vorlage mit 118 statt 1547 Seiten Gesetzestext.


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