“The Fels und die Wand turned out to be longer than I am”

“The Fels und die Wand turned out to be longer than I am”

Ganz chooses sport at the moment when his great Triumphe is alone. Barbara Zangerl wears a hat for Publikum, as she sits in her favorite ball. “I find it so cool, then I’ll be alone and have a hard time”, says the Tirolerin, who lives in Vorarlberg. The 36 year old hat in the color of the letter sport is painted. A house that is not located in the Boulder and Kletterhallen of the Landes is the “great wall”. Wände too, a man who spends more time, um sie zu erklettern. Zwölf Tage in een Wand and Zangerls Rekord, if you climb the Climbing Route “Magic Mushroom” in California on El Capitan in 2017.

Three days was es, as Zangerl flashed the Route “Freerider” hat in November. Flits heißt, that’s the 1000 meter long route without Fehler clattered. Das Besondere Daran: This is the way people sing. Probiert has the rich Kletterer – on the four-time Kletter-Weltmeister Adam Ondra from Czechia. “Completely unrealistic” was proven, the Route was flashed. “Darum habe ich das gar nicht im Kopf gehabt. Since the distance of 1000 meters is so great, it says so.

When the chance, that you flashed, from Zug zu Zug and Tritt zu Tritt would be more surprising, “man hat einfach so fell Zeit darüber nachzudenken”, said Zangerl. Then look at the great Erleichterung. “It is a matter of great happiness, but it is not worth it,” it said. “It’s a bit like we can travel together.” When people flash the Freerider, there is now “a cooler Nebeneffekt. Man’s power is its own thing,” says Zangerl.

As a youth they started climbing. Sports climbing is carried over the Boulder, over the sports climbing to the large Wänden. All will come soon enough. Kraft etwa, trainiert man beim Bouldern, de Ausdauer en sich der Exponiertheit auszusetzen than in Sportklettern. “The most important thing is that the work itself is worth it,” said Zangerl. You can do that – and with Jacopo Larcher a partner and his page, from the Leidenschaft and Talent teilt. Both have a normal attitude towards a Boulder Festival,” says Zangerl. The first communal tour is noisy in the Hose corridors. Sein Deutsch was not good at all, ihr English as well. “Without a brutal exchange of letters and a common sense 25 Stunden an der Wand hung. Vielleicht hat es genau das braucht,” said Zangerl.

If men or women in the Big-Wall clatter are in Vorteil mode, the 36 years can no longer last. “If all goes well, the man is of course in the Vorteil,” it is made clear. It’s no longer possible. Movement and Movement play a role. “Klettern is so uninteresting. Man cannot train,” he said. Schlüsselstellen on a route that is not in the Boulderhalle nach. “Then we will see more soon,” he said. If you want more information about colleges and lectures and stuff, it’s part of the freeriders with a few lower case letters.

The most important Muskel is the trotzdem of the Kopf. “So you are in the Wall and yet we are not there, you were there,” he said. Dementia is caused by the first years of the history of one of the many Bauchgefühl-verbunden. “Freilich hab ich auch Angst”, said. “That 500 meters under the beines was as much fun as others in the Boulderhalle. When you train a niece,” said Zangerl, who works as an X-ray assistant in a hospital. “I’m really happy, because I can remove the Kletter-Bubble and I’ll be happy to do it again,” he said.

Concrete projects for costs that do not appear in the headline. “We are both very bad in our plans,” says Zangerl. Freilich gibt es aber Länder und Felsen, die nicht erkundet wollen. „I have had a great experience, but I am very happy with the time.“ If it is all Einsamkeit at Erfolgen, there is a feast: „The Fels and the Wall, they remain. Fell longer than I did.”


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