« The day before the end, all the way through. J’ai pleuré tout ce que j’ai pu. » Émile Gardais, 22 years old, was a souvenir of his project for an installation at an agricultural exploitation in Nanteuil. “J’ai toujours être mon propre patron, ne pas attendre les orders”, explicit celui who originally comes from Verruyes and has a friend and a grandfather in his profession.
In September 2022, the temperature is operated on a 50-hectare farm, 95 hectares of grain and 45 prairies. « An agricultural company that can use the sea must work for the aid. Elle voulait arrêter le métier et était d’accord pour que je reprenne la fermebathroom. Au quotidien, je décidais tout. »
« If you end up on the ground, your project is not over and bankrupt »
Émile Gardais will start in the administrative démarches on March 2023. « You complete a first-class file, a plan for personal professionalization, for the Chamber of Agriculture. I propose the project, the farm. »
Jeune homme prevoit de garder le même nombre de vaches. But it’s not like it will pass. “You demand permission for exploitation, for acquiring land, during the July period. Il faut d’ores et déjà compter twice as much attention to the areas available on the Internet. Now, as of the end of publication, our homes are 32 acres. »
During the temporary periods, the owner announces that he has had his best time. « Or, si je n’avais pas les terresmy project is not over and banked. » Ce dernier « passait all juste » etc available and valid in November 2023.
“It’s not a question”
The Commission départementale d’orientation agricole (CDOA) is responsible for providing advice on the files filed by the Direction départementale des territoires (DDT). « Pour elle, in this way the two are légitimes and it is not the position of the suite. It is finally ready to become a favorite for the representation of totality. »
Problem: « La cédante ne voulait plus attendre et vendre les vaches. You know this is beyond the question, which no longer sustains a project. » Las, agriculture will be sold on June 15th. The operator’s authorization arrives at 25 months.
Impossible economy for Émile Gardais with a new cheptel. “There is a great absence of rotation in the group, there is no longer any animation or trespassing. You may be at risk of the appearance of ailments. »
Dans la foutée, la propriétaire confie les terres en les bâtiments à la Safer. The young farmer, who has just made the rounds and continued the current business, finally ended the operation on July 11, 2024.
Jeune éleveur compte de nouveau effectuer les démarches pour une future installation dans an.
© (Photo NR, Camille Pijn)
A new project
Beside, Émile Gardais a retrouvé of two different employers, resident of an employee with a temporary chez chacun. I am considering carrying out an installation project, « dance one »on one of the two farms, à Saint-Georges-de-Noisné, à la suite de la retreat de l’operator current.
If Émile Gardais is progressive, he can avoid a future installation project: « Your installation is carried out in Nanteuil on the paper. If you experience the reality of the story, it is a tracteur and a desileuse, which you cannot sell as a reason for the economic situation. You get 80,000 euros for your mother. Et ça, the sofa is like this. »
A complete installation demarche
Once installed, the candidates go on a balisé course. « As you board the Point Accueil installation, an animation appreciates the maturity of the project. You can consult an advisor from the Center d’élaboration du Plan de Professionalisation Personnalisé (CEPP), who values training and experiences with complementary professional professions »explanation Olivier Favrelière, director of service companies and formation of the chamber of agriculture in Charente-Maritime and des Deux-Sèvres. « The operator has chosen a structure that corresponds to the supervisor: le Civam, the agricultural chamber or a management center. The process may have a more expensive environment. »
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