23. December 2024: Das Wichtigste des Tages

23. December 2024: Das Wichtigste des Tages

December 23, 2024

Das Wichtigste des Tages

23. December 2024: Das Wichtigste des Tages

Shock for the Rorschacher Bevölkerung: Ihre Badhütte brennt nieder.

Photo: Keystone

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Historic Badi in Rorschach abgebrant

In Rorschach am Bodensee there is a hundred year old Badeanstalt abbebrant. The Feuerwehr could end the Flammen am frühen Morgen weitgehend ämmen, aber der Schaden am Wahrzeichen ist risig. Die auf Stelzen im Wasser stehende Badhütte mit Umziehkabinen and Liegestegen erlitt laut Polizei Totalschaden. After the first recognitions, no one was left behind. The 1924 original Badhütte was a Dachsanierung eingerüstet. It is unclear how the construction industry and the brand make the best choice. City President Robert Raths said the bath hut would be rebuilt.

Gingrich with US-Botschafterin in der Schweiz

FILE - Former Amb. Callista Gingrich speaks during the Republican National Convention, July 17, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, file)

Hat Schweizer Wurzeln: Callista Gingrich in the new US-Botschafterin in Bern.

Photo: Keystone

Callista Gingrich is a member of the American Botschafterin in der Schweiz. In the first American period of US President Donald Trump’s war, Gingrich pointed out the US clash in the Vatican. The 58-Jährige come from the US Federal State of Wisconsin, after Schweizer Wurzeln. Ihre Vorfahren mütterlicherseits tribes aus Chur, ihr Vater ist Pole. Gingrich, who is gilded as a conservative Catholic, is a multimedia production and management consultant who writes on his website. Ihr Ehemann Newt Gingrich war for a long time one of the final Republikaner.

Biden walks 37 Todesurteile um

Kurz vor seinem Ausscheiden hat US-Präsident Joe Biden 37 of 40 on Bundesbene verhängte Todesstrafen in life Haft umgewandelt. If you are in the moratorium, the direction of the Bundesbene verhängt habe, erklärte Biden. This means that your life will be transformed into a pleasant experience. There is no walking during the murder of murder trafficked by Hass of Terrorism. Biden’s Nachfolger Donald Trump is an entschiedener der Todesstrafe. The fact is that the Republikaner’s Biden moratorium has ended.

Deutsche Zeigen Ex-Ruag-Kader an

The German aviation company General Atomics Europe is looking after the back roads. After the Zivilklage-reicht of the Unternehmen, Strafanzeige the harmful Führung becomes one. The first time we saw the annual manipulation of the years 2019 was the Grundlage for the Verkauf des Werks two years later. The Ruag-Vertretern could have saved itself, the Vermögen is still a company RAS that will take in more than 40 million euros when it goes home. General Atomics has become such that it can be one of the most important consequences for the experiences gained. The Ruag remained the Vorwürfe zurück. All accusations come from the federal government in zwischen verlassen.

Schnee sorts for traffic disruptions

The snowfall that occurred on Monday morning was a disaster during road traffic and road traffic and during heavy traffic accidents. All in Canton Bern were over 70, in Canton Schwyz a Dutzend was running. Vom Schnee was affected by war in the western Flachland. In the High Alps the area is above one meter of Schnee. Active law enforcement is gold plated as it is gross. If you are on duty tomorrow, there is not a single Schneeschauer with punk tuell that Neuschnee zu erwarten, for everything in the Alps and in the Jura. Between 500 and 600 meters duration from the Schnee to a Heiligabend wieder large schmolzen signal.

Meillard became Zweiter

Loic Meillard is a foursome in winter slalom who finished in last place. Der Valais wurde in Alta Badia trotz hartnäckigen Rückenschmerzen Zweiter. Geschlagen should be like a single Timon Haugan. Der bereits nach dem ersten Lauf führende Norweger nahm Meillard am Ende 1.13 Sekunden ab. Dritter became another Norwegian with Atle Lie McGrath. Daniel Yule is classiert as the best Schweizer in his new rank.

That will be important tomorrow

Auftakt in Heilige Jahr

Papst Franziskus öffnet de Pforte des Petersdoms en feiert anschliesend de Christmette. It is the Startschuss in the Holy Year of Catholics.

Urteil v Fussballfans kommt

In the Netherlands it is true that Urteil has become a man who played one of the Fussballspiel Ajax Amsterdam in Maccabi Tel Aviv in November Jagd auf Israeli Anhänger is sollen.

Das Bild des Tages

A car drives past a tiefverschneite Strassenkreuzung on Montag, December 23, 2024 near Flanthey USA. MeteoSchweiz has issued a warning about the area. (KEYSTONE/Alessandro della Valle)

Schneereiche Rutschpartie in Irgendwo: An auto-fährt at Flanthey VS langam and a never-to-be-taught table vorbei.

Photo: Keystone


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