Those who do not have the Gang zur Toilette will probably lose their health. If the intestinal flora is no longer stimulated, it is not possible to grow in the Verdauung, but then under healthy prosperity. The stuhlgang household appliance is supported in every way.
Häufigkeit des Stuhlgangs: It can be an unreliable Gesundheit verraten
The researchers at the Institute for System Biology (ISB) in Seattle are well-funded. The experience of the study is reflected in the magazine “Cell“. With regard to the stuhlhäufigkeit zu immen, haben descher Fragebögen von 1400 gesunden Probanden ausgewertet. Auch Stuhl- und Blutproben si analysiert.
The stuhlhäufigkeit is in four categories:
- Verstopfung (at weniger as zweimal pro Woche)
- “Niedrig-normaler” Stuhlgang (dreibis sechsmal pro Woche)
- “Hoch-normaler” Stuhlgang (ein-bis three pro Tag)
- Durchfall (four times and more pro Tag)
The Body Mass Index (BMI) and the weight of the height of the gaits may have changed.
Health problems? It’s great that the stuhlgangs are high
Particularly women, young people and those with a lower BMI should select the study over the toilette as other groups. One of our favorite products is that people who are ballast free have to do a lot of things and exercise regularly on the toilet.
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The study authors started looking for a broader study, which has been given a longer verb by stuhls in a healthy future. Those before the fermentation of proteins and the production of toxins, which in the blutkreislauf depend on the quantity.
Improve the health of the bacteria in humans with blockage and durability
In probands, which are some of the most common stuhl corridors, the vermehrt can nachgewiesen as a gelling ballast material-containing intestinal bacteria. When preparing tires with clogging or during the duration of the preparation, the preparation of the bake is completed, with the uncontrolled protein fermentation in connecting stunds.
Gurkenwasser does not bloom in the Abfluss Schütten
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Recognizing Vitamin D Mangel: The following steps are possible
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Research has been conducted into the extent to which intestinal health and chronic disease risks are increasing. These were kidney-damaging Nebenprodukte bei Probanden with Verstopfung especially häufig im Blut available. The action is an abbau product of protein fermentation – with the use of indoxyl sulphate.
Schädliche Stoffe könnten with Parkinson and Alzheimer in Verbindung stehen
You can read this in the Verbraucherportal “Chip“with neurodegenerative disease in Parkinson and Alzheimer in Verbindung stehen.
In individuals with the duration of use, Forscher products may use chemicals. “The research says that this study, how the stuhlgang of all the composite system can and abnormal stuhlhäufigkeit puts a greater risk for the long-term chronic insanity,” says Sean Gibbons, the federation author of the study.
© Sven Hoppe/dpa
Those who often have a lot of difficulty will probably lose their health.
von Sven Hoppe/dpa
10 Tips for a few things
Gibbons and seine-kollegen are from humans, who respect people on their intestinal health. Particularly the correct execution on a grafting roller, verriet Chefärztin Brigitte Mayinger from Helios Klinikum Munich West from “Focus”. But es gabe noch mehr, was der Einzelne dafür tun könne.
10 tips for a healthy life:
- Additional drinks: Two or three Liter Water (ohne Kohlensäure) or unused Tee am Tag empfiehlt die Ärztin. Viel Flussigkeit helps the body, toxins from the intestine or stuff.
- Ballast dust-free essential: Whole grain products, flowers, leinsamen and freshen Because Mayinger can no longer use the intestinal health, the volume of the stuhl and the time that the stuhl is in the intestinal bleibt must be increased. Aber: That precise dose is important. “Every single day you take 25 grams of ballast materials for yourself,” Mayinger says.
- Healthy Fette: If you need it, for Darmkrebs zu schützen, so die Ärztin. Aber Achtung: Het gelte nur für ungesättigte Fettsäuren, wie sie unter alles in Olivenöl zu find. If there are several levels, they are hinged with the Vorsicht boats: they will now be secured to a small extent. For Omega-3-Fettsäuren, whoever zum Beispiel in Fisch findet, gelte das nicht.
- Fertigoriented and unsounded Fette sollten hinges should preferably be avoided.
- Sauer schmeckende Lebensmittel sind gut: Natural yoghurt, apple juice and sauerkraut ensure a healthy microbiome.
- Additional Movement: Ausdauersportarten and taggliche spazergänge rain the material layer and the Darmtätigkeit and, concrete the Ärztin. Swimming, jogging and fahrradfahren do not feel good. Moreover, the risks for the health of the patient are also important.
- Avoid intestinal damage: It all looks like it’s meat and sausages. Substances may be removed. Zucker would have swallowed a while ago, that is a good Darmbbakterien-vermehren.
- Auf die Menge kommt is a: Zu fell Essen burdened the intestine, so die Ärztin. If all goes well, the portions are usually smaller.
- Avoiding stress: Stress can occur with blisters, falls or blockages.
- Viel friches Obst and Gemüse essence: If so, it is a matter of Darmkrebs to schützen. Dr. Mayinger has prepared some Gemüse and Zwei Portionen portions.
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