PublicDecember 23, 2024, 10:59 PM
SalvadorThe revival of the extraction of valid metalworks by Parliament
Between 2017 and 2017, meta-extraction brought a revival in Salvador under the impetus of President Nayib Bukele.
The person manifesting against the law on the minimal exploitation of Parliament, in San Salvador, on December 23, 2024.
The Parliament of Salvador approved a project of law by President Nayib Bukele that provided for the revival of metal extraction in wages, between 2017 and 2017.
“The general law on minimal metal exploitation has been approved” by 57 of a total of 60 deputies, Ernesto Castro, president of the Parliament, declared his part of Nayib Bukele as ultramajoritarian.
While the parliamentarians tackle the law, 300 militants from environmental organizations have to protest in a street that is organizing the assembly against the reintroduction of the minimal exploitation of the metal.
“If exploitation punishes generations in a smaller way, there is a contamination of the water and our rivers and an attack on life,” a statement to journalists from the militant Vidalina Morales said.
The return of the minimal exploitation stimulates the investigation of the defenders of the environment that contains pollution of the water sources, notamment of the river Lempa that 70% of the inhabitants of the capital and its surroundings have approved.
Salvador pays the Prime Minister in 2017 in the world of licenses or concessions for metal mines or cellars, regardless of the use of toxic products such as cyanure or mercury.
Since President Bukele in 2019, he has abolished the law on apple offers to profit from the «plus strength in the world» of the financial institutions. The purpose of the new law is the regime of state actions within the meaning of Article 1.
Mercure interdit
Life is “an explorer, exploiter, extraire and transformer of the natural wealth of the country, the product of the extraction of metal”, supplemented by Article 6. It is the institution that allows the State to carry out activities of society in lesquelles il détente des participations et de l’economy mixte».
The text interjects the use of mercury, a product of pollutants, in small operations, which cannot have any effect in the natural zones protected at the charging sites.
For opposition leader Francisco Lira, the minimal exploitation is “an unpopular measure that has a negative impact on the environment”. The majority deputy William Soriano assessed the opposite situation, namely that “the minimal exploitation stimulates the economy” and “improves the quality of the population”.
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