Fat Joe at last a bisschen bluffed, um Eminem as Feature Guest on the Remix des Terror squad-Hits “Lean Back” appears. That’s the New York nun in an interview with the GQ Offenbart. Fat Joe hat Slim shady insult one of the pre-reflective falscher Tatsachen for the 2005er Kollabo ins Boot geholt. Im Nachhinein lässt sich sagen: Well played.
Fat Joe locks Eminem in with Mase
Fat Joe erklärt, dass eh, um Eminem zu bekommen, die Mase-Karte played habe. Bedeutet: Der Bronx-Veteranenhoed dem Rap God There’s a verse from Mase for the Remix of “Lean Back” previous. That Fat Joe knows Eminem’s admiration for the younger Bad Boy Rapper.
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