Anfang Januar feert “Love is blind” in Deutschland seine Premiere. Gegenüber Promiflash the Moderators betrayed Steffi Brungs and Christian Wackert exclusive, which fans can enjoy for free. Bond Christian it’s clear: “It is not possible to use Skandale or the Sendezeit harmfulet.” If the German version of the dating show is the focus for all experiments, the duo has a lot of conversation and the buckets of experiences. “The Zuschauer can adapt to a ‘normal’ person, the way this happens is possible,” says the moderator.
Daraufhin fährt seine Kollegin fortress: “It is another dating show with an ansatz, which continues the trend, it is all possible now to reduce the option.” In “Love is Blind” you see that the Candidates have their Heiratsantrag nicht – the Show is best, they will know more intensively Unterhaltungen. “Our Candidates are extremely cool and can make an appointment on one of our dating sites,” says Steffi, exclusively Promiflash-Interview. Moreover, it will be interesting to hear the Dating Show experts, when the man with the international versions is sent. “That Zuschauer from the US and England experienced the Fall Lust in the German and other mental ways,” the Entertainer concretes.
Vergangene Woche go to Netflix for the first time in this format. The 15 singles would have appeared in a trailer, which lasted for years, dating differently, otherwise they would have lived together. “I wish I could see your inner thoughts, see your thoughts, see your thoughts”One of the Candidates who spoke up was the moderators who had done something about it. Eight women and men enjoy the opportunity, in the new reality show they find. When one of the candidates gets the insight into the experiment, it is shown in the German trailer: “Wir has a connection, the man jumps through the magic wand.”
Christian Wackert, moderator of “Love is Blind: Germany”
Steffi Brungs and Chris Wackert, moderation duo of “Love is Blind: Germany”
Do you think “Love is Blind: Germany” would be like this if other shows were not segregated, who else are the moderators?
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