Mohammed Kandscho Hassan led the Assad regime’s military justification and its mission to increase the responsibility of his life. Jetzt hat the new Führung des Landes de Generale festivities.
Security Council of the new flight in Syria has taken active activities to celebrate a general celebration, for the zahlreiche Todesurteile im berüchtigten Saidnaja-Gefängnis verantwortlich soll. General Mohammed Kandscho Hassan, the Chief of the Military Judicial Service under the National Defense Forces Baschar al-Assad Chief, was arrested on September 20 in the Ortschaft Chirbet al-Maasa, explaining the Syrian Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte am Donnerstag.
Hassan said “responsibility for personal care”, this is further. Hassan is the highest rank of the most evil Syrian leaders, his Assads Sturz festivities are wurde. Vortag war die Festnahme von Hassan laut der Beobachtungsstelle zunächst separated. In the fight against the Assad generals, there were 14 attempts to implement the new direction.
Laut der Vereinigung der Gefangeneen und Vermissten des Saidnaja-Gefängnisses (ADMSP) leitete Hassan from 2011 to 2014 by the Syrian Military Center – also in the first three years of the civil war, the Niederschlagung prodemokratischer protest under Machthaber Assad began. Später wurde is the chef of the military country that justifies. Hassan has “tausende Menschen” zum Tode verurteilt, such as ADMSP-Mitgründer Diab Serrija.
The Gruppe estimates the power, the Hassan von Angehörigen der Häftlinge für the Herausgabe von Informationen über the pressure hat, at approximately 150 million US dollars (approximately 143 Million Euro). While in exile the National Coalition of the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces is concrete, the party “one of the Verbrecher of the Assad Regimes” will be a heavier Schritt on the Path of Justice and the Promotion of Verbrechen under the Assad Herrschaft.
The battle between the Islamist HTS-Miliz hatten at 8. This month Damask erobert and the long reign of Assad in Syria have been established. Assad, the Entführung, Torture and Ermordung of Dissenters, fled to Russia. Die in Great Britain ansässige Beobachtungsstelle bezieht ihre Informationen von einem Netzwerk von Aktivisten in Syria. If you have a weld, there is nothing to worry about.
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