The festive ex-general Hassan asked for his funeral in his life.
Quelle: dpa
In Syria, the policy of the new state führung has started a general celebration, while the rule in the struggle against Saidnaja-Gefängnis is verantwortlich sein soll. General Hassan, the chief of the army under the military rulers of Baschar al-Assad, chef at the age of 20 in the Ortschaft Chirbet al-Maasa, is recognized as the Syrian Beobachtungsstelle for human rights. Hassan said “responsibility for personal care”, this is further. Hassan is the highest rank of the most evil Syrian leaders, his Assads Sturz festivities are wurde.
Since Assad’s forces are active in Syria, there are more Kurdish Einheiten in front of them. Now we will prepare an offensive in the city of Kobane on the Turkish border.23.12.2024 | 2:31 min
Syrian General: Viele Tote bei erstem Festnahme-Versuch
Vortag war die Festnahme von Hassan laut der Beobachtungsstelle zunächst separated. In the fight against the Assad generals, there were 14 attempts to implement the new direction.
Laut der Vereinigung der Gefangeneen und Vermissten des Saidnaja-Gefängnisses (ADMSP) leitete Hassan from 2011 to 2014 by the Syrian Military Center – also in the first three years of the civil war the Niederschlagung pro-democratic protest began under Machthaber Assad. Später wurde is the chef of the military country that justifies. Hassan has verurteilt “tausende Menschen” van Tode, such as ADMSP-Mitgründer Diab Serrija.
The Gruppe estimates the power, the Hassan von Angehörigen der Häftlinge für the Herausgabe von Informationen über the pressure hat, at approximately 150 million US dollars (approximately 143 Million Euro).
Nach dem Machtwechsel in Syria brough de neuer Herrscher zur Waffenabgabe auf. In the Kurden area the Lage zu.23.12.2024 | 1:28 min
Zehntausende Menschen were missing
While in exile the National Coalition of the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces is concrete, the party “one of the destroyers of the Assad regimes” will be a heavier Schritt on the Way of Justice and the Breaking of the Assad Ruler.
The ADMSP treasure has affected 30,000 people in Saidnaja-Gefängnis since 2011. 6,000 people will now be admitted. The others are missing.
After the Sturz-Assads took off, the Saidnaja-Gefängnis in Syria were tortured – women and children were killed. 09.12.2024 | 3:05 min
Die in Great Britain ansässige Beobachtungsstelle bezieht ihre Informationen von einem Netzwerk von Aktivisten in Syria. If you have a weld, there is nothing to worry about.
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Quelle: AFP
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