‘Get Brexit done’ is one of the Conservatives’ statements. If so, Brexit is a long-term problem. Now the British will make a new deal with the EU. Was this possible?
‘Get Brexit done’ war by Boris Johnson’s Versprechen. The British Prime Ministers’ Saturday was an end goal. So if a man gives a hint to the Australian Union of the European Union.
It’s not that it is. The United King is ausgetreten, but the Verhältnis zur EU is still wieder of the Prüfstand. The best Prime Minister Keir Starmer will assume the chairmanship of the EU Commission. It’s a good deal. Man is only busy with a new Abkommen, as Starmer der Zeitung The Sun said in a video interview.
Dramatic Rückgänge beim Umsatz
Gerade marks the first time the new Zahlen has wielded German power, which is the European Union as a trading partner for Britain. In the years 2021 and 2022, the British company had earned 32.5 billion euros from Europe, the roads of Brexit, in a study by the London School of Economics.
For all smaller and mediocre things, trade with the EU is either established or starkly simple. The bureaucracy is large, the costs are high.
The British Direction is under Druck, it is a fact that the Wirtschaftswachstum can play a greater role. Rachel Reeves, the Finnish Finance Minister’s first war, armed the European Finnish Finance Minister.
A truly unusual experience
Everything is a goal, we will fight a war under the conservative direction. In Brussels, the Labor politician is in the opinion of the “reset”, the new approach to the EU: “Wir müssen more tun, um our Wachstum anzuschieben, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit and den Handel zu fördern.”
From 2025 the conversation started, when a new trading form was opened, the process began. If British Lebensmittelproduzenten and Landwirtschaftsbetriebes adhered to European Standards, the Trade was clearly unified. Controls, Bureaucracy, Papierkram can disappear.
It is an issue for the Brexit report. In the Zeitung The Sun heißt es bereits: “Brussels wants to take back control” – “Brüssel will exercise control”. The Überschrift is in the Anlehnung a political schlagwort der Brexit-befürworter-form: “Take back control” – “übernimm die Kontrolle”, whatever the idea of the united king.
Labor in Defensive
The Labor government will have to use more and more German machinery, but the Brexit crisis is not a problem.
Finance Minister Rachel Reeves said: “I am a Wahlprogramma that is verprochen, the Wachstum from the ground. We have prepared ourselves for the fact that there is no Rückkehr in the EU Internal Market, no Zollunion, no Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit.”
If the British government no longer knows how things will go, for all complizierten Fragen und de Forderungen der EU: no “cherry picking”, it is a sin to let the British choose whether they have Rosinen rauspicken.
A more important question: is this one of the consequences of a lawsuit? The British live in one of the European directives ab. And the European Union has its own interests: It was a fishery and freedom for schüler and students, the British were bilingual.
The ‘Get Brexit done’ war is also an illusion. “Life with Brexit” would have been more appropriate.
And then neither is the US
Communication with the European Union has become so lively that the British Union sees a stellar fragmentation, while the United States can keep an Abkommen with the US on the road with the European Union. Darauf never cares about the British Government.
The Hoffnung was twice as long ago that Abkommen made a profit on costs with both Wirtschaftsräumen. Whether it prevents promoting European flexibility and the Brexit crisis before the Austritts take place within the EU?
It is an elegant investigation into the interests of American presidents Donald Trump and Handelslieden.
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