Child lost SEK-Einsatz in Hagen aus

Child lost SEK-Einsatz in Hagen aus


Child lost SEK-Einsatz in Hagen aus

Current on 27.12.2024 – 15:43 UhrLesedauer: 2 minutes.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Hagen: The Polizei, which costs a few SEK, is a great house in Hagen im Einsatz. A Mann rages in the Hagen festivities, but has ended up in a social network with a far-reaching war. After information from the German Press Agency, the Mann talked to Anschlagsdrohungen in a messenger service.Vergroßern des Bildes

The Christmas Day has received a Special Intelligence Command in Hagen: Befürchtet wurden Anschlagsplanungen eines junior Mannes. (Quelle: Alex Talash)

Whoever the police want, we will make some cuts. Dieses Mal ist der Einsatzort das Nordrhein-Westfälische Hagen.

Weighing a more efficient battle with a Special Intelligence Command in Hagen a 20-year man in signal living festgenommen. After information from the German Press Agency, the Mann talked to Anschlagsdrohungen in a messenger service. Who the police officers are, are proud of themselves in the Donnerstagmittag after suspecting the power in a social network, of those who have the Hagener Polizei-kurz-zovor-kennis erhalten.

I am now going to warn the police: it is not the case that there are a number of analyzed files, these come from the North Rhine-Westphalia region. During the last two days of the year, 20 years ago, the Drohung in sozialen Netzwerken was not self-manufactured, here is the police in Hagen. A child, who is not even 14 years old and such a punishment, you can go to the online account of the 20 years. Nach Angaben der “Bild” is the friendly elf Jahre and the little Bruder des Mannes.

After the information of the German Press Agency, we are informed about the Account of the Mannes Prahlereien with one of the plants Anschlag veröffentlicht. Spezialkräfte stürmten daraufhin die other Wohnung des 20-Jährigen and nahmen the young Mann fest. If the anschließenden are carried out during the Hagener Stadtteil, no Waffen funds can be financed.

Once it is so, it is so that the Drohung of the kind will be veröffentlicht, teilte de Polizei met. Ernst nehmen müsse man die Drohung nicht. “Wir haben im Moment keine Hinweise darauf, dass sich jemand Sorgen machen muss,” says a Police Preacher. If the child is alive and well informed after 20 years, the police will not be able to tell.


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