Assad General Hassan weighs Tausender Toter accuses

Assad General Hassan weighs Tausender Toter accuses

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The Syrian general Hassan was defeated. There is a female responsible for Tausende Tote. Ein Schritt zur Aufklärung der Verbrechen under Assad?

Washington, DC – The new leadership in Syria has celebrated an Assad general during the “tausende” of the man who has lost his shit. The General Mohammed Kanjo Hassan stated that he would punish his prisoners and achieve their own position of power. If it agrees great Verfolgung von Torgenerälen des gestürzten Syrian-Machthabers Baschar al-Assad has taken control of the festivities marking the clearance of the gräultaten under Assad.

Hassan went to Angaben der in Great Britain ansässige Syrian Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte in der Provinz Tartus, a Hochburg von Assad’s Clan, together with 20 Gefolgsmännern festgenommen. Photos in the average world of Hassan with Blut in view of the Ladefläche a Pick-Ups. Before the first version of a party at the Beobachtungsstelle separated. Three improvements in the ehemaligen Regierung and 14 security measures in the new Regierung can be obtained.

Assad General Hassan weighs Tausender Toter accuses

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Torture in the Assad-Regime an der Tagesordnung – General Hassan war whl maßgeblich Teil davon

The National Coalition of the Syrian Revolutions and Opposition Struggles, conducted in exile, is putting the weight of the party on the road to justice and education in the war under the Assad regime. Under the war of the Assad regime Torture an der Tagesordnung. Amnesty International speaks of a ‘menschlichen Schlachthaus’. Particularly informed is the Gefängnis von Saydnaya, in which they began Syrian Civil War auch Hassan tätig war.

From 2011 to 2014, also zum Beginn des syrian Civil War, where Hassan dies Leitung des syrian Militärfeldgerichts, so Diab Serrija, der Mitgründer der „Vereinigung der Häftlinge und Vermissten des Saydnaya-Gefängnisses“ (ADMSP). The amnesty has made up to 13,000 systematic errors. This is because we see more people who starb during the Haftbedingungen: Torture, AbuseHunger, Durst and fehlende medizinische treatment are on the Tagesordnung.

People are living with images of 23 Syrern, die in Saydnaya and others Gefängnissen des Assad-Regimes gestorben since, während a Gedenkmarsches.There is a thinking march that offers a solution for the Assad regime. © SHADI AL-DUBAISI/AFP

Laut the ADMSP since 2011 and approximately 30,000 people in the Einrichtung are now using 6,000 more free welds. The others were neither missing. I think Hassan earned the ADMSP potential 150 Million Dollars with Bestechungsgeld. Before you see everything that causes the frightening event, there is information about your frightening information.

Next regime in Syria under Assad: Saydnaya and General Hassan since the Anfang

The Gefängnis von Saydnaya is now a bekannteres Beispiel for a goose complex of Torture and tortureder in Syriac vermutet wird. When the Taten von Hassan experienced one of the following things: As chief cook of the army, he sang the Serrija “tausenden Menschen” a Todesurteil ausgesprochen haben, often after “Prozessen, die Minuten dauerten” – weil laut der Organization Pro Justice, die sich for the protection of the Assad regimes Einsetzt, the fear did not fall into disarray. In a post about the war documentation in Syria, Hassan has praised the pro-justice as one of the judges, who has evolved as inhuman.

Viele davon wurden wohl in Anlagen von Saydnaya eingesperrt, wo laut Pro Justices auch Geständnisse erzwungen wurden. This entire edition would first be in the columns Monaten and Jahren. Laut agree Study The law professor Jeremy Sarkin has spoken to more than 150,000 people in Syria. (lismah)


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