If you are a skier on the slopes, you are always prone to unforeseen accidents. An entire Unfall series has emerged in Schladming, a ski resort in Österreich.
Schladming – Winter is the ski season and continues in the Tagen Weihnachten and Neujahr, die Zugleich Ferienzeit, experience the excitement of winter sports on the slopes and in the après-ski clubs of the Winter Sports Hochburgen. It can happen that skiers on the slopes invent and demente a sport that causes them to get on the slopes while they are in accidents. An entire Unfall series is now in the starry Skiort Schladming in the Steiermark – in an autumn in love with the Unfall schwer, in two others bittet the Police in Hinweise.
The series of ski slopes in the Austrian skiing season went well before skiing
When the power from the series gets an advance, it’s time to go 16 hours on the detachable plan, who dies the sterreichische Kronen Zeitung zunächst messageete. A 20-year-old Niederösterreicher offer after visiting an après-ski bar in Fuß and ohne Ski über die Piste zur Mittelstation der Gondel according to wishes. Roads of the winter lichen Wetterbedingungen brach er signal Vorhaben nach etwa 300 Metern ab, woraufhin ihn Rettungskräfte ins Tal transferred. Der Mann blieb unversehrt.
Photomontage of Abfahrt Planai and the Krankenhaus in Schladming © IMAGO / Westend61, IMAGO / Eibner
From 6 p.m. you can take another seat while standing at an aprés-ski bar stand. A 24-year-old from the Bezirk Hartberg-Fürstenfeld stürzte bei der Abfahrt. If that’s what you want, do it. But die Frau hatte Glück: Neben ihrer Begleiterin – een 25-Jährigen in dem niederösterreichischen Neunkirchen – war am Unfallort zufällig auch a Skilehrer anwesend. Gemeinsam halfen sie der gestürzten Skifahrerin, and ihr Ziel zu gelangen. Who dies Kronen Zeitung We have previously reported that the woman has not made any changes in her Sturze’s appearance.
Mutter and Child settled in the Abfahrt fortress, after the Child with a Skifahrerin kollidierte
As a result, both are still a glimpse of the collapse of an accident with a flood of folgen for those affected. The hours of the sogenannten Schober Abfahrt auf der Schladminger Reiteralm at Samstag gegen 10.25 Uhr konnte aine 57-year-old German Skifahrerin a Kollision with a few sechsjährigen Friendly no longer prevented.
The woman has spent time in the Hüftbereich, where she worked with the Rettungshubschrauber in the Schladminger Krankenhaus. If the mumbling and the kind are worth it, it is not possible to stop using the alternative child language. And hell, there’s no potential impact on the kids.
Aberdamit nor nicht genug: Nur een halbe Stunde später, gegen 11 Uhr, kam es auf der Schladminger FIS-Abfahrt Hochwurzen zu einen erneuten Zusammenstoß zweier Skifahrer. A 51-year-old German and a 67-year-old Upper Austrian from the Bezirk Perg lived and lived in Brust- and Schulterbereich, who lived in their ortliche Krankenhaus.
27-Years of serious damage after an accident, saved from death – Polizei bittet um Hinweise
If you make a big jump in the series, an après-ski holiday and a serious breakdown in Schladming, then with another collation on the WM herrenstrecke of the Planai. One of the few long days that it lasts: at 11.40 am on Samstag a skifahrer from Graz arrives with a 27 year old skifahrer, while the twins do not know that we have not yet informed the Unfalls.
The 27-year Grazer is a Schulterverletzung. The Schladminger Police-bittet, Hinweise zu dem flüchteten Skifahrer sowie Anhaltspunkte zu der Mutter with Kind, the information about Kollision with a Skifahrerin ebenfalls nicht hielten, the örtlichen Police Schladmings zu report. You may be able to avoid the accidents and identify the damage. There is the Police Schladming from Germany under the telephone number 0043 0591336356100 and from Österreich under 059133 6356100
Weil the Sicherheit on the Ski slopes Vorrang-hat and skiing accidents are not possible. Follow the steps for the tilesif skifahrern is again on the line line of the Abfahrtsski hingewiesen. Einsehbar since diese etwauf der Website des Deutschen SkilehrererverbandsHilfreich is an einblick in the FIS Verhaltensregeln von Skiing Austria. It is a bit concrete, who makes the first choice of ski accidents is: it is the right choice to make people fall in serious cases. (fh)
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