Psychothriller, One, Montag, 10:05 PM
Auf Arte läuft an diesem Abend das gefeierte, veld gepriesene Öl- en Irrsinns-Drama There will be blood (2007) – after the Manierismen des Oscar-Lieblings Daniel Day-Lewis nerves, a number of women who have the überprüfen, who themselves Fatal attraction contents hat. And then, 39 years after the premiere of this Fremdgeh psychothriller with a certain meaning of lustbeschleuniger. Michael Douglas started mothers, a Reihe von Hanswürsten zu spielen (Revelation, The game, Basic instinct), in the event that the woman no longer comes clear, it is not true that in the sexual pockets the man remains free. In Fatal attraction (1987) began an acrobatic Liaison with Glenn Close, who found a G for Gefährlich on the Stirn-trägt – among his beautiful blue work, the natural Anne Archer on his wartet.
Local hero
Komödie, One, Samstag, 23.10 Uhr
Once you know that the sound you heard, it is still very light: light and maximum, pleasant, even more beautiful. Fortunately, a more cheerful, grim and interesting American Milliard (Burt Lancaster), the happy young Mitarbeiter Mac (Peter Riegert, with the Synchronstimme by Robert De Niro!) and the Coast Schottlands, a village for purchase. The online gamblers who wait a long time will see a Raffinerie that wants to sell and woolen prices in the high prices. They also start playing a poker game, which starts in the Sternen style. Selbst Bill Forsyth did it Gregory’s girl (1981) and Local hero (1983) with such a clear film, the perfect film, with the sound track of Mark Knopfler (Dire Street) bought, um in Gedanken noch mal nach Schottland bebeamt zu zijn.
Fast & Furios Five
Action, ZDF, Samstag, 11:30 p.m
When the Racer spectacle is performed by Dominic Toretto and his Crew and turned into his stunts, it’s time to begin. But No. 5 is not a child’s blush, but a smart and elegant Joaquim de Almeida as Gegner. This is the Toretto of the Zweikampf that contains Lebens: who is Godzilla and King Kong. Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed. Tyler Durden and his own identity. They also met Vin Diesel and “The Rock” Johnson. Ihre Muskeln wippen vor Begeisterung. These are stylistically oriented and there Ocean 11-Reihe. Diesel and Paul Walker have never become the Cloones of George Clooney and Brad Pitt in the night, after the coup in Rio the Muskeln and Kanonen have become more. Nämlich Chuzpe, Timing and grips. Wenigstens is a Bisschen Davon.
Out of sight
Krimikomödie, Arte, Sonntag, 8.15 pm
We will never warm up again, this ultra-cool Krimikomödie will emerge, until the end in German Fernsehen in der Originalfassung was said. Director Steven Soderbergh hatte nach Sex, music and video (1989) unerwartete Rückschläge erlitten, aber er war so klug, das prachlich herrlich geschliffene Script von Scott Frank (Wicked) so snap. Before the dialogue with FBI agent Karen (Jennifer Lopez) and the frustrated Jack (George Clooney) was as intense as in Hollywood. When the Gerücht-stimmt, JLo & Clooney no longer worked with other things, they focused on financing the film and the director. If the Meisterwerk is on the Sonntagabend, the Montag (2 p.m.) on Arte can be available. First time in German?
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