WWE plays a brilliant legend: “Ein bahnbrechender Performer”

WWE plays a brilliant legend: “Ein bahnbrechender Performer”

Bret Hart schätzte ihn, other Wrestling-Idole learns from ihm: The real Wrestling-Topstar Sweet Daddy Siki is up to.

The Wrestling World has achieved a different and deserved legend from the past period: Sweet Daddy Siki is up to.

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Siki, civil: Elkin James, sterb and Silvester in the alternate version of 91 years. Both major US leagues WWE and AEW work with small Texans on their digital channels. Siki, a man for the active WWF, wars against the trainer of Adam “Cope” Copeland and Christian Cage aka Edge and Christian. (NEWS: All news from WWE)

A popular provocateur

Siki, 1933, when the Weltwirtschaftskrise was born as Sohn, a poor Landarbeiter-Ehepaars from Texas, war in the Sechzigern and Siebzigern for everyone in Canada a Topstar, including at STAMPEDE, der Liga van Bret Harts Vater Stu Hart.

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Siki is in Los Angeles on duty after the 2. Weltkrieg as a US soldier in Korea, then the Durchbruch follows as an extrovert Schaukämpfer: “Mr. The fans traveled irresistibly with great world work, unique flashing outfits and provocative standard bridges.

“Er hat alles gemacht, was gorgeous George gemacht hat – en dann war is eben auch schwarz”, as Bret Hart einst, Siki was in der nor stood out as heute von Rassismus und Vorurteilen geprägten Wrestling-Szene und Gesellschaft seiner Zeit hervorstechen ließ . Heart estimated Siki as a ring performer: “I don’t have a bad match because I am happy.”

There is a wonderful George War going on and after the Second World War the biggest wrestling star in America, the blaupause of the arrogant ring boss – and erklärtermaßen on an inspiration for Box-Ikone Muhammad Ali. This is because Siki is a member of Canada and has a strong background in the US environment during the time of the citizen’s rights movement during this time: the current promoter is concerned about self-consciousness about Sikis and that is because of Frau Anne’s war – was Afro-American in view of the reactions niece sister. Die Ablehnung schlug nieder in ausbleibenden Bookings und schlechter Bezahlung. Siki wanders through life and doesn’t feel at ease. The northern Nachbarlands are so great heritage.

“Ein bahnbrechender Performer”

Siki war with a talented music and after four Albs on – zum Teil Rock, zum Teil Country -, after the Karriere war in its high variant of the Veranstalter is a regular Karaoke night in Toronto. This payment ended first after the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic 2020.

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“Siki was a professional performer in more detail,” said the Canadian broadcaster CBC, the Sikis movements of life 2017 as a TV documentary.

The Ring Legend starts on December 31 in a Krankenhaus in Toronto. Siki litt jahrelang and Demenz.


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