Actor Varun Dhawan and his wife Natasha Dalal have named their daughter Lara. The actor was present on Amitabh Bachchan’s game show Kaun Banega Crorepati 16 (KBC 16) when he discussed his newborn daughter and asked Big B to share some parenting tips.
Varun and Natasha welcomed their first child, a baby girl, in June this year. In the latest episode of KBC 16, the actor joined Raj and DK, the directors of his Prime Video series, Citadel: Honey Bunny. At the end of the episode, Varun revealed that he had sung a special lullaby for his daughter. The actor sang the same lullaby.
It was a special Diwali episode and Bachchan, adding to the festivities, said that this year is even more special for the entire Dhawan family. Big B said that this is the first Diwali they are celebrating with the new baby girl in the family.
The host said, “This Diwali is very special for you, Varun, as Lakshmi ji has arrived at your home,” as Varun folded his hands and expressed his gratitude towards him and the audience. He added that he is still bonding with the baby. “I’m still learning to connect with her; it’s just like you said: when a baby comes home, everything changes,” he said.
Bachchan also shared a ‘golden rule’ of happiness with Varun. He asked him to focus on keeping his wife happy so that everything else would fall into place. “Here is one golden rule: keep your wife happy. If she is happy, everything else will fall into place, and if she is happy, your daughter will be happy too. Remember, ‘wife is supreme’,” he said .
Varun and Natasha got married in January 2021 in Alibaug in the presence of their close friends and family members. The couple is kept guarded about their private lives and has not shared their daughter’s name for about five months.
Published by:
Vineeta Kumar
Published on:
October 31, 2024
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