Your future depends on today’s decisions – Cocorioko

Your future depends on today’s decisions – Cocorioko

**Sierra Leone in the diaspora: Your future depends on today’s decisions**

Written by *Reggie Cole, Master Dream Builder*

Too many Sierra Leoneans living abroad believe that their homeland’s political failures do not concern them. They continue to support the same politicians and parties despite decades of ineptitude and corruption. It’s easy to think that living in the diaspora provides insulation from the country’s woes. But this way of thinking is a serious mistake.

The reality is that your connection to Sierra Leone is more than emotional or cultural; they are also economic and strategic in nature. Many of you may have a secure job, but what happens when you retire? Research shows that the cost of living in the UK, US and other Western countries is rising, making it increasingly difficult for retirees to maintain their standard of living. If the Sierra Leone you knew continues to decline, you will find that there is no stable or thriving place to return to.

**The illusion of financial security abroad**

Supporting politicians who have repeatedly failed to hold office is like investing in a failing business. No matter how much hope and loyalty you put into it, the returns will be the same – none. According to a 2022 report by *The Economist*, over 40% of immigrants from African countries in the UK face financial insecurity by the age of 65. Without a strong family base to return to, this uncertainty deepens.

**History Lesson**

Consider the failed investments and financial disasters of famous lottery winners who believed they were financially invincible but lost everything due to poor planning and mismanagement. The same applies to the political investments we make. Politicians, like bad investments, must be held accountable. Albert Einstein once defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Supporting leaders who have consistently let the country down is no different.

**Retirement issues and lack of safe shelter**

A 2020 Financial Times analysis found that by 2040, more than 60% of retirees will face housing insecurity in major Western cities due to rising costs and inadequate retirement plans. What will you do then when your resources are exhausted and there is no real alternative to returning to Sierra Leone? Political passivity today means that tomorrow you will have neither the stability of the West nor the security and comfort of a functioning homeland.

**Time for a new generation of leaders**

It’s time to stop supporting individuals simply out of party loyalty or tribal affiliation. Sierra Leone’s deteriorating political landscape is a direct result of these outdated attitudes. The ruined mansions of former leaders like President Kabba and President Stevens serve as a stark reminder: failures in leadership leave scars that can last for generations.

**Call to action**

If Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad continue to reinforce the same failed leadership, the country will remain trapped in a cycle of poverty and stagnation. You owe it to yourself, your children and your future to demand better. Look for leaders who are equipped, skilled and committed to real progress, not just recycled promises.

Take control of your future. Don’t let your support be blind. Remember that if you keep voting for the same people, you will get the same results. The true definition of insanity, as Einstein suggested, is expecting change from leadership that never produces results.

Let this be a turning point.

Reggie Cole,
Master dream builder


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