BROKEN ARROW, Okla. – More than 800 Broken Arrow students are reportedly planning to attend a new school next year, but perhaps not the one they expected, as the Board of Education voted to reshuffle the high school’s locations schools.
Jonathan McCullough, a parent of one of the 872 students affected by the change, felt misled.
He attended an October meeting where Bridget Powell, the district’s director of Enrollment Services, presented plans to parents across the district.
It resulted in some adjustments to the original plan, but the board approved the final draft without any additional feedback.
“We sympathize with (the affected families),” Powell said.
Broken Arrow officials say these plans are examined every few years because growth is inevitable. With that growth comes change. More than 1,000 parents plan to talk to their BA students about the change.
“I think the way we respond as adults is a direct reflection of our children,” Powell said, “so just be positive and remember that our district is great.”
As for the children affected, Powell said he expected some change.
“They will have some friends who may come with them, but they will have the opportunity to meet new friends at their new schools,” Powell said.
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