Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): A gang of thieves looted the historic Yamraj shrine, Markandeshwar Mahadev Temple in Jabalpur district of MP. The theft took place on Tuesday evening when the temple guards and caretakers were asleep. The thieves reportedly made off with cash, a laptop, a mobile phone and a music system.
The shrine is located directly opposite the Phoolbagh Police Post, which is manned 24 hours a day. The burglars managed to break open a canal gate with metal tools and enter the building unnoticed. The theft was captured on camera footage and the police have started an investigation into the theft.
According to information, a gang of burglars broke into the revered Markandeshwar Mahadev temple on Tuesday evening. The thieves broke into the temple using metal tools. They broke the canal gate, the only locked gate, to enter the property. Inside, they destroyed the donation box and took valuables intended for worship purposes. They managed to get away with cash, a laptop, a mobile phone and the temple’s music system.
A surprising element of the incident was the presence of an elderly woman sleeping in the hallway who was briefly disturbed by the noises. When she called out into the dark, the intruders paused for a moment, but resumed their theft as soon as she fell asleep again.
Faces captured on camera images
Local police have obtained clear CCTV footage showing the faces of the suspects. Based on these images, authorities contact local contacts who may recognize the individuals and assist with identification and arrest.
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