ROCKFORD, Ill. (WTVO) – A Rockford firefighter known for writing children’s books has released a new book, and he’s not the only author.
Bo Chaney’s latest book in his “Literacy Alive!” series focuses on fire safety and was written with the help of third-graders at Keith County Day School in Rockford.
“I’m going to give a presentation to a group of students. And as we summarize the presentation, we each create a book,” Chaney said. “The children can actually see how the book is made as we go through the presentation.
Chaney’s books features characters he created, Rob and Rocky. They are illustrated by Tyrus Goshaythat makes the characters come to life on the screen and the printed page.
“We’ll go ahead and put up the pictures and they’ll create the sentences for the book,” Chaney said. “So each school has a different storyline for their book.”
The book written by Keith students will be sold on Amazon and serve as a fundraiser for the school.
“It’s really important,” said third-grade teacher Emily Whittaker. “We are a private school, so we do not receive government funding. So any fundraising we can do will be beneficial to the school.”
Whittaker says the project was also something special for her students.
“It was really cool to work with Mr. Chaney and his team and work with my students and help them do something that I don’t think most third graders get the opportunity to do,” she said.
There are currently two books in the “Literacy Alive!” series. Chaney and Goshay created the first episode with students from Chicago’s Christian Academy. Chaney has written a total of five children’s books.
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