Last updated:Nov 14, 2024 3:13 PM IST
Pippali, or long pepper, is a nutrient-rich herb commonly used as a spice that contains proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, amino acids and anti-inflammatory properties.
The use of pippali, included in the hot spices, is not limited to increasing the taste of food, but also has many medicinal benefits. (Local18)
Ayurveda extols the virtues of numerous herbs and spices that can contribute to human health all year round. From insomnia to breast congestion, there are a plethora of natural remedies with the potential to alleviate various ailments at their root.
One of these invaluable spices is Pippali, commonly known as long pepper. It is widely used as a spice in India and many other countries and has a rich nutritional profile.
Experts confirm that this spice contains proteins, anti-inflammatory agents, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids and minerals.
According to Patanjali Ayurvedacharya Bhuvanesh Pandey, the use of pippali included in the hot spices is not limited to increasing the taste of food but also has many medicinal benefits. Its consumption is considered very beneficial for constipation, indigestion, cough, phlegm, etc. colds, insomnia, gas, obesity and various mouth-related problems.
According to Ayurvedacharya, if a toxic substance that can damage the liver enters the body, consuming Pippali can neutralize it.
People who suffer from cold and phlegm in winters can find relief by consuming Pippali. Combining Pippali, black pepper and dry ginger in equal quantities and taking this mixture with honey can be helpful.
In addition, a mixture of roasted cumin, a pinch of rock salt and Pippali powder taken in equal quantities with buttermilk can alleviate problems such as hemorrhoids.
According to Ayurvedacharya, consuming Pippali can be beneficial for people who suffer from insomnia. Consuming a pinch of Pippali powder with honey before bed can potentially alleviate this sleep disorder.
Pippali possesses immunity-boosting properties, which can boost the body’s ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Moreover, its consumption not only supports digestion, but can also stimulate the appetite. Therefore, individuals who experience a decrease in appetite may find relief from its use.
Since pippali has a warming character, excessive consumption can be harmful. Therefore, it is essential to consult a doctor before consumption.
News lifestyle This herb offers Ayurvedic remedies for coughs, colds, piles and more
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