Modern City of the World is located in NRW – warst du schön dort?

Modern City of the World is located in NRW – warst du schön dort?

Whether it’s a hoverboard, a self-switching slide or the first idea of ​​a smartwatch – the film “Zurück in de Zukunft” ensures a wow moment. It is a fact that has become reality.

A nun is a city NRW is the modern world. If there are less than a million residents to give a hint, it will take a long time for technological progress.

“Smart City”: Ort in NRW invests Ersten Platz

“This is a fundamental school that motivates citizens and citizens, as a whole for their village,” said Christine Wegner about the Westfalenspiegel. Aber Moment Dorf? Richly read – a schnuckeliges Village in NRW with beef 1800 A house that has won the Digitalisierungspreis as a Smart City!

+++ NRW-Freizeitpark will offer Rekord – Phantasialand and Movie Park see now +++

Das Besondere Daran? It is a prosperous legal environment. The prize we earn from the “IEEE Smart City Contest” is a major engineering association for electrical engineering and computer science (IEEE) in Thailand. A jetzt hat das Dorf in NRW has won and Hong Kong has given a hint about its welding.

Aber warum? Nun, it is no longer a 5G network or a Dorf app, which worries citizens and citizens. There is no single digital digitization platform for all kinds of technical problems.

“Journey of all Generations”: Joy and Jubilee over Nomination

“The transformation of the digital village in Germany started 10 years ago and started with the many ehrenamtlichen Helfer, Vereine and Organizations, which have their beige tarten here. Gemeinsam is a gelungen, a tradition of high Bereitschaft zur ehrenamtlichen Arbeit of the analogues in the digital world of übertragen and auf dieser journeye all generations mitsunehmen“, freute sich auch ortsvorsteher Ulrich Ahle laut ““.

Here you can follow the technology in NRW-Dorf:

Inhalation of Instagram announcement

A couple discovers an external inhalation of Instagram by a redaktion company. There is an article and can be viewed and viewed with a click.

I have only one understanding, so my external content is known. Persons who collected the inhalation and Drittdienst data may be involved.

This article may be interesting:

Is it one of the things Dorf is doing now? Nun der Gewinner ist – Trommelwirbel – Etteln. It acts as a southern Ortsteil der Gemeinde Borchen in Kreis Paderborn (NRW).


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