The Tokyo Tower was lit up in winter lights a few years ago. The secret start of the Winter Show is one year after the “Little Tokyo Tower”, a miniaturization of the Wahrzeichens, which provides a festive highlight.
Winter fantasy program, officially started from November 15 with more light shows, both indoors.
Ein Traum in Orange
333 meters above the Tokyo Tower, an orange wall shrouded in light is next to the show. The Center of the Veranstaltung is one with 42,000 LED lighting devices, the orangefarbener Garten, which sits on the Platz before the main entrance in ersten Stock.
The meter above the “Little Tokyo Tower” is located in the Mitte des Lichtgartens. If you pass the Weihnachtsbäumen, one of the things you will have done will be a bit of a Weihnachtsbaum.
Show läuft noch bis Ende Dezember
The Light and Show at Tokyo Tower lasts 15 minutes from 4:00 PM to 10:30 PM. The Winter Fantasy Program airs until 25 December. The end ride is free.
Letzter Einlass for the main platform of the Tokyo Tower is at 10:30 PM and for the upper platform at 10:15 PM.
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