Töchter von Bürgerrechtler Malcolm

Töchter von Bürgerrechtler Malcolm

New York. Fast 60 years after the Ermordung van de US-Bürgerrechtlers Malcom The family has accused another person of the Federal Police FBI and the US Secret Service CIA. The companies that have been aware of the activities and areas of interest by Drohungen and have made their trouble-free burdens have started the American media in the Klageschrift. There can be talk of arglistiges Verschweigen and Unterdrückung von Tatsachen bei den Ermittlungen vorgeworfen.

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If you regain justice for the Ermordung of the Fathers and the world of Todes, says Ilyasah Shabazz, one of Malcolm X’s Töchter, at a press conference with an Anwalts team. The complainant wants an Entschädigung of more than 100 Million Dollars.

American radar

Were the United States moving: The USA experts of the RND organize a and loving Hintergründe. Jewish Service Day

Das Attentat from 1965 statt

Malcolm If attention is drawn to any of the active activities in a Ballsaal in New York, the Frau war with his small children will last for a while. Three men will celebrate and delay their long sentences, the guilt of that scene never ends.

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Malcom Attention is paid to the issue of the Nation of Islam. The interests of the police and their attention are appealed to.

Schuldsprüche roads Justiz-Irrtums aufgehoben

After a longer period in 2021, the men’s debts will dry up, the ways of Malcom X will certainly be true. Muhammad Aziz and Khalil Islam, who clear their debts, will expand their paths wider and redeem in our process.

Islam hatte nach der Verurteilung 20 Jahre im Gefängnis verbracht en starb 2009. Aziz wurde 1985 aus dem Gefängnis entlassen. The city of New York and the new Federal State will raise debts of up to one million in 2022. Thirty years ago, which had not yet been summarized, was the Bewährung from the Haft Entlassen in 2010.

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