Livesendung zu «KI und wir» – Was kann KI wirklich? «Einstein» power over Reality Check! – Clear

Livesendung zu «KI und wir» – Was kann KI wirklich? «Einstein» power over Reality Check! – Clear

On Donnerstag, November 21, Kathrin Hönegger and Tobias Müller became the artistic intelligence with playful experiments in the herausfordern – in common with the public for Ort and their house. SRF broadcasts live from ETH Zurich, a hotspot of KI-Forschung.

14.11.2024, 17:12

Experiences and experiences: Kathrin Hönegger and Tobias Müller are the great hype that has developed an artistic intelligence in the light of the live stage. The great fragmentation: Was kann KI wirklich – and black: heute and jetzt?

In this “Einstein special”, KI is played on the Zahn for 90 minutes. Ohne Netz and double bidding. With the Soul: Experience AI live, transparent machines and backgrounds.

Einstein moderator Kathrin Hönegger and Tobias Müller for a virtual live stage with Roboterhund. Legend:

Künstliche Intelligenz in Schlaglicht

Top of Flop: It was possible that KI had one of the biggest problems. Kathrin Hönegger and Tobias Müller worked in an “Einstein special” on the KI-Realitäts-Check. Live an der ETH Zurich.

Copyright: SRF/Gian Vaitl/anybotics

Such a Reality Check can be the publication for Ort and your house to make the Bildschirmen interactive. It could be any number of passions.

Von künstlicher Musik und tiefer Täuschung

Who can push the button on a song? If you no longer want to part with the music of a human being or of the AI ​​composer? Vor allem: Was the power present with one group or another?

If you want to acknowledge, check out photos or videos of a woolly, deep dive into the theme “Deep Fakes” explored. Extensive analyzes were carried out with Melanie Kömle and Matthias Heller from SRF-Netzwerk Faktencheck. The fact is that the AI ​​2024 generation has worked in the middle of history and man has learned sollte.

SRF theme «KI and wir»

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Writing «SRF Theme: KI & WIR» for Bunter Fantasiewelt Legend:


Künstliche Intelligenz is a technical revolution, the potential hat, us will be so grifend in the changes, who get their internet and smartphones. SRF actively worked on this theme and started the program on November 17 to 24, 2024. Im Zentrum steht de Frage “Was it possible to work and was man in Switzerland damned?”

Find Sie es heraus – auf

The KI-Sidekick and a balanced ESC-Lüge

The conversation is with the AI ​​itself: Avatar “Ava” is live as a Moderation Sidekick. My director is the digital editor and AI expert Guido Berger – there is an attempt to organize the AI ​​heraus and the background of these technical solutions.

In a satirical Stück, Comedian and KI-Nerd Patrick Karpiczenko said, who could buy KI creatively: There is a komplett of KI that generates Welt in Bild en Ton, in der Liechtenstein – different as in the Realität – schon immer beim Eurovision Song Contest dabei war. Stunning.

Einordnen Pflicht: I am Making-Of with a hint of the production jobs of KI-Tools. Was fasziniert uns daran, was stösst uns ab? Schnallen Sie sich an!

KI-Experimente zum Anfassen und Nachdenken

ETH-Roboter and Switzerland as KI-Forschungshub

«Einstein» broadcasts live to the ETH Zurich, a hotspot of KI-Forschung. In der Robotik intelligent intelligence played a role that Rolle played. Go to «KI with a Körper».

A robot said that the robot’s complex had been developed. A robot dog «ELKE» is one of the best in Echtzeit – and clatters autonomously through an obstacle course.

With ETH professor Roland Siegwart, the Forschungsgruppe in this Bereich world of a Pionierrolle, would be sure that Robotik and AI would develop and be able to play the Rolle der Forschungsstandort Schweiz.

Der nächste Schritt: Augen für die KI

Was passionate, when ChatGPT and Co. no longer word processing, looking at the world with their own properties? With interactive demonstrations, “Einstein” said how tomorrow’s AI will fare. And how blind and stunted Gamechanger’s human could be.

Before you and your home can open the Bildschirmen, you can do this. SRF offers an overview of expert chats with the theme «Künstliche Intelligenz» and: Here is an excerpt from KI an Antwort. All information can be found at


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«Einstein spezial» live: «Was kann KI wirklich?»

SRF 1, Donnerstag, November 21, 2024, 8:10 PM


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