Ukraine-Krieg im Liveticker
+++ 08:04 Clay: Bidens Wende “ist Abschiedsgeschenk en Stinkefinger” +++
For a long time, US President Biden said to Kiews Forderung, with reichweitenstärkeren US-Waffen Russian Area Angreifen zu Dürfen – nown the überraschende Wende. NTV correspondent Peter Kleim was the divorced American president involved during the duration of the battle.
+++ 07:33 Russian Abgeordnete warns of Gefahr eines Weltkriegs +++
In Russia there is a warning of an escalation in the event of a Ukrainian finalization of the American Waffen with a longer Reichsweite. The Direction of US President Joe Biden risks a written Weltskrieg, which is in Ukraine, with the American Waffen soul in Russia, says the Russian parliamentary leadership of Maria Butina. The Biden administration has changed, the low eskalieren, solange sie noch an der Macht sei. But if you concretely, if the great courtship the new American President Donald Trump has designed, that separation, problems may arise. Because there is a risk that a written world criticism has begun, which is of no interest to anyone, says Butina, who spent 15 months as a road agent in the United States and now works for the Regierungspartei Einiges Russland Duma-Abgeordnete ist, at Reuters. The US-Regierungskreisen have visited the US of Ukraine by the US-Raketen with a longer Reichsweit-erlaubt. The Russian Direction is no longer useful, anyway, a single Schritt was an escalation.
+++ 06:58 Message: Secret Waffenlieferung – Ukraine erhält 4000 “Strike-Drohnen” from Deutschland +++
In June, Minister of Foreign Affairs Boris Pistorius and Ukraine “with a well-functioning system” received a better deal. More details are not available. When the “image” message is sent, it is clear that it concerns the secrets of the Waffenlieferung trade. The German AI Company “Helsing” will be beautiful, 4000 “Strike-Drohnen” for the Ukraine to produce. Internal branches were formed by the “Mini-Taurus” generation. The Flugkörper paints an über-software, which only occasionally has a Russian power. “The Drohne can point itself to the road, recognize and with the help of some tausenden road markings, which itself and ultimately operate it on the basis of Wetterbedingungen or in zerbombten Gebieten weiter Kurs zu halten. Wenn das Ziel gefunden ist and der Operator es einweist, fly the Drohne on itself in Ziel”, an insider says “Image” displayed. “The Helsing-Drohnen can be ordered by the Soldiers, but see no flights when the Funkverbindung is stopped. The Treffer quote is the German quality when manually controlling Kampfdrohnen.”
+++ 05:59 Trump Jr. criticizes US-Freigabe für Long-Streckenraketen +++
While US President Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr. gave US President Joe Biden and US President Joe Biden power over the long-term chain in the US to the fear in Russia. Trump Jr. has followed the Biden administration on X as “Schwachköpfe”, we will have reached the dividing line. “The military-industrial complex seems to be changing, the current world crisis began before I had the chance to buy food and live well,” Trump Jr. wrote.
+++ 05:12 NATO continues major artillery development in Finland ab +++
Initially, NATO-Beitritt Finland was a large English artillery of the military bündnisses. The Übung, the Sonntag began, takes place on November 28 in the northern region of Lapland. It is the part of the Dynamic Front 25, the big NATO artillery, that absolutely does not work in Europe. Schießübungen can be used in Germany, Estonia, Romania and Poland. With their missions in Lappland there are about 3,600 soldiers from Finland, the US, Sweden, Great Britain, France and other NATO states.
+++ 03:41 Russia: Drohnenangriff auf Moskau abgewehrt +++
The Russian Air Force had a Drohne-zerstört, which flew in the Hauptstadt Moscow. “After information has been provided, the information about the Trümmer of Schäden of Opfer is available,” says Bürgermeister Sergej Sobjan on his Telegram channel with.
+++ 01:49 Starmer ends conversations with Putin +++
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he “never knew would speak to Wladimir Putin about him”. Before you take the first step in Ukraine while starting the G-20 Gipfel in Brazil “ganz oben” on the Agenda. The Freitag has the Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz with the Kremlchef telephone and was criticized for this.
+++ 00:27 Macron erwartet Intensive Russian Angriffe +++
French President Emmanuel Macron said Ukraine’s anger was high, while Wladimir Russian President Putin “doesn’t want Frieden” and “will not take his trade.” It is clear that President Putin is intensifying the battle for the camps, says Macron. There is a “nobody came out of the closet” who spoke with the Kreml chief, but he died first in the battle, “the context and the clause are not so good”.
+++ 23:07 Selenskyj: Rockets became “for themselves” +++
Selenskyj greift in seiner abendlichen Ansprache de Mediaberichte über aine US-Freigabe für Waffen longer Reichweite auf. “Angriffe was not served with wörtern,” it said. “Solche Dinge did not become known. The Rockets were distributed for themselves.”
+++ 22:12 Vltava shipyard Russland Luftraum-Verletzung for +++
Vltava has left Russia, while Luftraum has disappeared. “The destruction of the Moldovan air traffic by Russian missiles and bombardments was aimed at the critical infrastructure of Ukraine,” wrote Vltava Minister Mihai Popșoi. “Explosionen in der Nähe unserer Grenze und Sichtungen von niedrig fliegenden Drohnen über Dörfern unterstreichen die Gefahren, die der brutal Krieg Russlands für unsere Bevölkerung mit sich.” In a video, the best wishes are shown when listening.
+++ 21:41 Viele Tote und Verletzte in Sumy – Stadt reports Raketenangriff auf Hochhaussiedlung +++
The Russian Raketenangriffe in Ukraine is tomorrow from the Angriffswelle, so who is Aussieht, weiter: Russia has the Stadt Sumy a kurz after 8.30 pm with the Raketen-beschossen, erklärt the Stadtverwaltung. A neunstöckiges Wohnhaus can be affected. The Staatsanwaltschaft der Regio Sumy says that they are eight of the greatest things that are a child. Sometimes people are less likely to be lost. They are less likely to have more stable buildings regardless of vehicle damage. In the Trümmern there are such Einsatzkräfte nach Überlebenden and other options.
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