Parliamentary elections 2024 | The Maharashtra Assembly polls will take place against the backdrop of a fractured political landscape in the western state where the Shiv Sena And NCP will compete against the Uddhav Thackeray And Sharad Pawar factions, even if the BJP And Congress trying to make their mark. Meanwhile, inside Jharkhandthe YMM then faces a new challenge by Hemant Soren recent arrest and Champaia long-standing party member, who joins the BJP. The Haryana election resulted in a shock loss for Congress, which wanted to add momentum to the crisis Lok Sabha poll performance, while J&K also saw that the grand old party eventually left the cabinet Omar Abdullah‘s JKNC forming government. It remains to be seen whether the upcoming polls will help the BJP further strengthen its position or give a boost to INDIA. Watch live updates and follow the latest coverage, live news, in-depth opinions and analysis only Deccan Herald.
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