When the Tage became calmer, the Heizung wieder auf Hochtouren left. With dem Bosch Heizkörperthermostat II If you do not have a smart Erweiterung for your Heizung, there is no comfort and energy efficiency in Ihr Zuhause. Bei Tink offers the thermostat in the 2er set with Smart Home Controller and a free thermostat for between 199.95 and 339.00 Euro. Der Versand is free. (All Infos and Prices Status November 18, 2024). The ideal price comparison is that Set-Angebot is the most favorable in the Netz.
Bosch Starter Set Heizung II is available from Tink Kaufen
The Bosch Smart Home Starter Set Heizung II (Gen2) has transformed your home into an energy-efficient smart home and is the ideal accessory for the control of your Heizungen. With a smart thermostat you can set the desired temperature in your room and display a smarter time program and automation. The intuitive operation via the app or the speaking assistant ensures comfort, allowing you to save energy and costs. The controller is connected to Matter-Bridge, while other systems are compatible with Matter-fähigen Geräten, one of the best Smart-Home settings from Amazon, Google or Apple is integrated. Besonders Practical: This set comes with a free thermostat, with if you can no longer swim, you can cook more smart machines.
- Three smart Heizkörper thermostat with Smart Home Controller
- Zeitprogramme & Automationen, Smart-Home-Integration, Matter-fähig
- more favorable Set-Preis im Netz!
Bosch Starter Set Heizung II with 2 Thermostats + free Thermostat
stat 339.00 EUR
EUR 199.95
Einschätzung der Testredaktion
The Früheren Bosch thermostat has a beautiful design, which does not work more stably. The version “II” from Bosch is shown here: the new model with a robust housing, a large, readable display and a stylish light ring that inflates the temperature in red or blue. The smartphone app was very clear, the functions displayed in the menus were expanded.
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