Ben Hodges: “Dass Musk fell into the hat of Einfluss, ist sorgniserregend”

Ben Hodges: “Dass Musk fell into the hat of Einfluss, ist sorgniserregend”

SAID ONLINE: Would Europe take up the fight with the American hinterlands, would Trump escape from the collapse of Ukraine?

Hodges: Europe was not in the Lage in nuclear weapons research. Britain and France have seen the Atomwaffen, but any strange action could cause a dramatic shake-up. It’s not like that anymore. The air and rocket defense forces were not really strong. Poland, Finland, the Baltic Länder and Rumänien are investing seriously in the modernization of the Streitkräfte. The Versäumnisse Deutschlands, Frankreichs, Italiens und der Niederlande in des Bereich were dazu führen, dass sie an Einfluss verlieren.