Etgar Keret über Boykotte und Literatur: “Wir leben gerade Dummheit, durch die Bank”

Etgar Keret über Boykotte und Literatur: “Wir leben gerade Dummheit, durch die Bank”

taz: Herr Keret, we will meet Sie in Rahmen a lesson and the Münchner Kammerspiel, which is about the situation in Israel after 7. October swoondet. Who knows about the Lage Heute Dar?

Etgar Keret: The situation is no longer “Täglich grüßt das Murmeltier”. With Israelis there is a density. Tag immer wieder aufs Neue zu experience. On October 7 there was a trauma. If it is right, if the Soul of the Staatsgründung, the right to exist of the Landes War, it is a matter of bribing Jews – and then the greatest Pogrom will happen here. The Diaspora seems to be present here, in Israel itself. The fact is that the end is a trauma, it lasted 75 years and it was there. Gleichzeitig energieen met de Erfahrung, dass de Welt uns de Rücken zuzukehren scheint.

taz: What are you looking forward to with your view?

Keret: If it is good that the Krieg can act in Gaza with some of the most common consequences, the prosperous Leute will go to the Israeli Regie. Although the reactions in the world would be more likely, the personal nations of the United States would no longer feel empathy for the war in Israel, and the Rückenzuwenden would not have started the Krieges first. The wrong part of the world in combination with right-wing extremist direction is a serious mistake.

I am an interview: Etgar Keret

Etgar Keret won in 1967 in Ramat Gan, Israel, born to a Polish Eltern, both of whom hated the Shoah.

There may be short stories. Novels and books have been written and a number of graphic novels have been published.

Neben Amos Oz is Etgar Keret’s most important Hebrew author. I can see a new version of the Story-Sammlung „Starke Meinung zu brennerden Themen“ in the description by Barbara Linner.

taz: Erfahren Sie diese fehlende Empathy auch auf personal Ebene?

Keret: I can tell you so much: This is the first time since the beginning of the war, so that I can continue to speak Israel. I hope I will be happy for 15 to 20 holidays in Europe.

taz: Since 7. October was Sie kaum mehr eingeladen?

Keret: Yes, that is true, it is a fact that more is being seized. Before Kurzem would make a veranstaltung with a good cancellation, while the community was sitting on a stage with a specific author.

taz: What about the Veranstalter “Conceive”?

Keret: Nein, my weltbekannter College hat de Veranstaltung with my absgesagt.

taz: If you want to betray a vermutlich niece, is your college?

Keret: No, the mache is of course not.

taz: Was the war the basis for the absolution?

Keret: If the name is not true, then it is a person who is acting, who is overestimating as a scribe and as a human being. Die Antwort auf meine Frage, wir nicht gemeinsam auftreten könnten, war: ‘I habe keinen Zweifel daran, dass unser gemeinsames Gespräch auf der Bühne in jeder Hinsicht interest ware, gerade in der Erörterung moralischer Fragen. It may be a structural design, but it is a good choice to do all possible operations. Erasing is now a thing of the past. For the rest of the world it will be a fact that an Israeli is standing near the city while Israel bombs the Gaza Strip.’

taz: Puh, von fell Integrität sows das nicht. Who knows what happens to an Aussage um?

Keret: If you as a written writer are aware of the publications, there are characters identified that you can identify, but if the publication is not carried out.

taz: Ärgert Sie diese Verdruckstheit nicht?

Keret: It’s one of the most exciting stories. Schauen Sie, we spent time with Sally Rooney and others who brought Boykott…

taz: Sie sprechen von einem offenen Short of a prominent Scripture writer, who dazu aufrufen, israelische kulturelle Einrichtungen and Institutionen zu boykottieren, weil sie ich “mitschuldig” and the “erschütternden Unterdrückung der Palästinenser” are authorized.

Keret: Sally Rooney, Rachel Kushner and Co machen were not so interested in Kollateral Logistics and Benjamin Netanyahu. On October 7, Hamas Israel dies angrily, there are innocent bombings, women and children. The Logistics of Sally Rooneys and Rachel Kushners who are Welt Lautet: Fighting with the Krieg in Gaza, indem with David Grossman’s Verleger boycotting! When David Grossman stopped publishing, the Krieg was ended and the Population of Gaza could continue.

taz: Eine Logik, die der Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie sozialer Netzwerke entspricht.

Keret: I will certainly say that this logic will fail if the peculiar soul presents itself. Man can export stattdessen zum Boykott von Waffen. If someone has his own fault, there is no question that he has suffered consequential damage in Kauf. There will be a Dummheit, through the Bank, which will represent all political interests. The sage is like a person who fell into the world of the herumgekommen 57 years ago and more. In der Vergaanheit war is different. The best thing about politics is that we can see a page about the human glücklich and the other unglucklich.

taz: Can you look at a specific topic?

Keret: Nehmen Sie die wiederwahlen Netanjahus in der Vergangenheit or meinetwegen auch the first Wahl Trumps. They are connected to liberal lager in the US and Israeli jewels in Trauer. In the early years when it was like this, it was a matter of life: be that as it may, in the world, even the political lower is a tribe or a well-known state in the future, permanent if it is right, it will become, the victims will see and lose. It is possible that this happens due to the algorithms in the social networks. If you have a Verzerrten-darstellung, you should know that they are not extreme and aggressive. It is always the case that they end up permanently in the camps, while they fight, while they get the Schlacht of Alamo or Masada.

taz: As a liberal left and developing criticism of the Israeli government, one of the best pages of political spectrums has reached the end.

Keret: If my human is no longer alive, my political interests are increasingly greater, but it is a matter of part of the party – my human can get rid of it. If people see that the diesel political interests are in the distance, the other political bearings in the street will be spattered, then it will end up in people, who will not spuck on others. The fact was that the Israeli forces were, if anything, that good. Anyway, the interest is not great, but a Siedler bin, the Palestinian is probably busy seeing whether – was der Fall – my life the Regie will be demonstrated. Bereits as a young Mann in the Israeli army has found his uniform in the holiday home and can show the demonstrations. It’s a great experience to work.

taz: How many experiences have you seen in your home, furthermore for your home? Was the Zukunft brought?

Keret: If I started in Israel, a political layer would have developed in Iran. I know that the sage was not a European state in Poland and Ungarn, when Netanyahu lived with Viktor Orbán. Die Kräfte, die Israel zerstören wollen, sind religios, messianic, fundamentalist. If the Iranian Verhältnissen can no longer be regarded as the European Union. A direction has emerged that is being examined, your democratic state bond has been dismantled.

taz: The culture boycott, which spreads all over the world, was no longer worth the bad news in the country. Was schlagen Sie as an alternative to?

Keret: Your Organization or Party, which, as a friend to Israel or the Palestinians, swung the Government of Netanyahu, which was then, was your democratic party that lasted for a long time – a Untersuchungskommission zuzulassen. And damned, Neuwahlen. When you see the crowd on October 7 and with the political changes, it is a good idea to draw some conclusions. A set of German Regierung würde ich gegenüber Netanyahu sagen: Wir unterstützen euch keine Sekunde more, if not a Untersuchungskommission gegründet habt, then it is the Israeli Gesetzgebung vor. The idea, the Israeli Scripture Writer or the Filmmaker, has conducted international research into the logic of Erstklässlern.