Aachener students start their own Rakete – Rheinland – Nachrichten

Aachener students start their own Rakete – Rheinland – Nachrichten

Ines Gehring has spent more time on the years in the Space Team with. The Rocket Start in Kiruna is lost to his Wehmut: It is a war with Mal, who has won his self-chosen Rocket – the “Space Team Aachen Hybrid Rocket”, Kurz STAHR. Property dear, everything is great: a large Übersee container is ready for use.

Darin die Rakete, Ersatzteile und een Werkstatt. Dann fuhren 20 Mitglieder des Projects hinterher. Kiruna is located in Nordschweden, 150 kilometers north of the Polarkreises. Now you can no longer be human and use the airspace while enjoying yourself. You may start a chain project, while the closed part of Germany is not expanded.

Bruchlandung aus 20 kilometers Höhe

Kurz vor dem Start all siem das Fallschirm-System Schwierigkeiten. All you can do is make sure Rakete lands safely. A reparation war is not possible. The team started by starting Ines Gehring.

“We are always conscious of our own rockets. Ubriggeblieben is not a problem.”
Ines Gehring, Aachen space team

Selbst bei Such flights with a Hubschrauber can no longer be found from the Rakete. “Stubborn as Wunder“, so Gehring.”A final blow at an altitude of 20 kilometers is so violent that it cannot stop.“

Erfolg trotz Totalschaden

Zurück in Aachen is a Fehler analysis. “If the flow data for Funk is collected and all sensor data is used, data will be collected, there will be“, says Jannis Bergmann, from the Space Team for the software, ist.

If the special hybrid-antrieb model was made, it was sollte. The effect of paraffin and laughing gas. Occasionally, the speed of the 5.5 meter long rocket is reduced at a height of 20 kilometers.

Karrieresprungbrett or Zeitvertreib?

About 200 Study results in the Space Team, a student association of the universities of applied sciences RWTH and FH Aachen. I am currently working on eight parallel projects. The study is carried out in a rockets, satellites and some kind of rover, and also a Fahrzeug for the world or Mars.

View the study results that can be used in the Bereich Weltraumtechnik work. And: If you have done enough with your work, Aachen has become a center for welfare care.

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