The CDU and SPD in Saxony have started the coalition negotiations

The CDU and SPD in Saxony have started the coalition negotiations

CDU and SPD are hitting the road Minority government in Saxony. Whoever the two Spitzen participants are, started writing and starting that Montag. Nor vor Weihnachten sollen die Gespräche abgeschlossen sein. There would no longer be a concrete date for the Prime Minister’s Wahl. Bis spatestens Anfang February 2025 muss der Landtag den Prime Ministers new wählen. Die Koalitionsgespräche the CDU and BSW were so safe.

Laut Sachsen’s SPD chief Henning Homann is in the conversation Darum, “nicht in the üblichen Schützengräben zu verharren.” The Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer of the Bundestags-CDU Thorsten Frei has the minority government as the best of the Verfügung-stehende Lossung für Sachsen-bezeichnet. The President of the Saxon Cultural Senate Albrecht Koch mahnte zur Eile. The previous Haushaltsführung stelle fell into culture for an insurmountable financing problem, such as Koch MDR AKTUELL.


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