Das traute Heim with sorrows Lamps outper WLAN monitoring room Absicher or über networked Lautsprecher Music? Everything Geschmackssache! If you want to know more about Smart-Home-Gadgets, with the man who saves money, you can! This is achieved with intelligent heating thermostats from Tado. Obwohl der Hersteller mittlerweile the current Tado-X Series I know that I have tested the Vorgänger Tado V3+ and Tado Basic here. Anyone who has a smart installation and smart installation with the blow and the investment it makes has tested a COMPUTERBILD in a long time.
Tado im Test: Reglertausch schnell eremptt
The Münchner Unternehmen specializes in smart Heiz and Klima Technology. Neben Geräten zur zentralen Steuerung der hauseigenen Heizungsanlage am beliebstromen: smart Heizkörperthermostat! Because it is all perfect, it may be that your own home or your housewives – and thus the Heizung directly in Wohnzimmer, Küche, Bad & Co. arranges. COMPUTERBILD editors have been working on the Regler Tado V3+ for several years. When setting up, you go to the test cousins in the period: The system with four thermostat wars within a period of 20 minutes. If you activate a starter package via the LAN cable and the WLAN router, you can make more and more steps of Heizkörper and establish the new wireless connection. Properly transition and adjust the Tado system to an adapter. The chic Tado app for iOS and Android Fill in the handy or tablet by not writing.
Faster and smoother: The other temperature controller is a Tado Thermostat.
No longer convenient, but the display is lower than the temperature and the set temperature.
Tado thermostat heizen smart ein
I didn’t buy the Tado-System V3+ label and it wasn’t the most suitable. After the “Set it and forget it” -Prinzip heißt es: once in a while, few drum kümmern. In the App you can arrange individual Heizpläne-legen, soft drinks that can be enjoyed during your evenings or enjoy a full night’s sleep in the morning. This is the Wetterbericht for the Umgebung who have viewed the Tado system and referred the Heizverhalten. If you want to set the time manually and set the temperature on a small display, you need to set the temperature. If you see a regulation – and in the app – not on the Stufen 0 to 5, you can use Gradzahlen. When the temperature is displayed in the thermostat, the temperature and black-straight values can be felt: the temperature of the Tado system is 0.3 degrees lower – this temperature is lower in the app. Beim pas des Warmegrads ertönt ein Surren. That is with 42 Dezibel schön leise and stört kaum. If you use a schlafzimmer at night, you may wake up.
Nettes Zubehör: der Funk temperature sensor. Ein Druck activates the display for manual operation of the Heizung. In the Wandhalterung you will find an old Platz.
Wer girls may, that the Nachwuchs standdig an the Reglern herumplayelt and etwa in Sommer das Wohnzimmer zur Sauna Power, schaltet in the App die Childcare An. If you receive a command or use the Heizungsregler together with other smart home devices, the Tado system connects with Amazon Alexa, the Google Assistant or Apple’s HomeKit. It is better to be careful with the system around it Funk temperature sensor. Ohne Cable-Wirrwarr power of small cabinets is smart Heizen a little more flexible. Moreover, the quality of the air quality will improve as well. The “Raumluft-Komfort” is available in the app. The forecasts and temperature fluctuations depend on the temperature, air currents and the window-offen-recognition of the controller, largely due to regional data from the network. Make sure you have a feinstaub and pollen tax.
Kein Display, no Raumluftanalyse, says: This was a great Tado basic.
Tado V3+ and Tado Basic: was this not the case?
If you have tested the V3+ thermostat, you can request a “Basic” thermostat from the range. The device is no larger than the following: The basic registration brings a small digital display with a displayed temperature and the temperature is normal. Statistics are analog equipped and the active temperature is highlighted per LED. If you want to set the basic thermostat directly, the temperatures are 19 and 25 degrees. Lower requirements can be found in the Tado App. This is the moment when a Basic Regler checks the pollen frost and the small value of the air flow. If you want to use all the features and board functions, you can use the V3+ version. Both models are placed in “Mischbetrieb”.
Heiz-Automatik von Tado costs extra
Direction is practically the An- and Abwesenheitserkennung: Sind Sie (or perhaps more Ihr Smartphone) at Home, before the Tado App is aware. If you go further, go to the Tado system of the Heizkörper runner. If you make a permanent purchase at your place of employment – as a German unternehmen it is relatively incomprehensible. Weiteres Feature: The Tado-Regler recognizes the air force of the Wohnung that insults Fenster and stops the kurzerhand of Heizen. The blow is straight and hands out the Kauf-zusätzlicher Window sensors. A problem: Complete self-service of this “Auto-Assist” function now gegen Gebühr: Wer will the Tado system at the Abwesenheit or offenen Fenstern self-standing and ohne Eingreifen des Nutzers who Heizung steuert, braucht an Abo for four Euro in Monat or 30 Euro per year. This jewelry is now a Push-Benachrichtigung on Handy, in the case of the device is the best what Fingertip can do.
Overview: In the Tado app you can see how safe the system is, how the energy exchange can be carried out and which time schedule is active.
Photo: Tado
Tado im Test: Fazit, Modelle, Preise, mögliche Ersparnis
Really smart: with the Tado system it is no more standard than a heizen kümmern – so it can’t hurt. Approximately 200 euros were paid for the starter package – consisting of three controls and bridge – but the thermostat costs 60 euros each. Tado Basic display is worth a few euros.
Partial costs allow you to amortize the costs over a few years. When you read an energy saving message in the app, you can now click on the cost overview, which is the smart way to save. Aber der COMPUTER BILD-Langzeit-Test has said: For all automatic adjustments when opening the window and in the comfort of the householder, Sparpotenzial offers – if you are used to these functions, you will be able to enjoy a safe environment. A good idea of the Heizkörperthermostat including the new one Tado and other products Hersteller finds Sie in der COMPUTERBILD-Bestenliste.
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