Trump: Brendan Carr is chef of the Kommunikationsbehörde

Trump: Brendan Carr is chef of the Kommunikationsbehörde

Neuer Chef der Bundesbehörde

Trump has launched a hardliner against Apple, Google and Meta

MARYLAND, UNITED STATES - FEBRUARY 24: Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Brendan Carr speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2024 in National Harbor, Maryland, United States on February 24, 2024. (Photo by Celal Gunes/Anadolu via Getty Images )

“The American has not yet had a single Zensur experience”: Brendan Carr was called up by Donald Trump, one of the members of the Federal Communications Commission, the Bundesbehörde for Kommunikatie, the Kurz FCC.

Photo: Celal Gunes (Anadolu via Getty Images)

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I am an American Wahlkampf who has the courage to see everything, before Donald Trump and his Helfern are left blank. Therefore, the best of the future and the best US Presidents, Immigrants on the Paper would be “poisoned by the country”, and one of the following ways bezeichnete die Insel Puerto Rico as Müllhalde. After Trump took power, an art connection was made with the nation. Jetzt schickt there Brendan Carr in this Schlacht.

The Republikaner is the Federal Communications Commission that established the Bundesbehörde für Kommunikation, Kurz FCC. While Trump is creating “a camp for the free future,” Trump will enable his next appointment in the Sonttagabend. “A regulatory fear has arisen, the American Arbeitgeber and Innovators are going to work, and the FCC will leave the FCC of the American country.”

Part of the Wählerschaft can be used by the FCC, however it is not possible, but this responsibility is one of the only bedeutung. The Federal Communications Commission regulates the communication of radio, television, netz, cable via satellite, as well as national regulations over time. It’s official that the FCC will make a decision and investigate the Senate, but both Republican cases could also be resolved.

«Noch da gewesene Zensur erlebt», it says – auf

Carr is 45 years old and has been serving in various positions at the FCC since 2012, the first American time that Trump has played with one of the fun interests. Now that some of the lawyer wars are over, the Commission Hardliners will have fallen. So what about me? conservatives Bauplan names «Project 2025» the Chapter of the Soul of the FCC has asked a question: «Zügelung von Big Tech».

Black tat Trump would have his Campaign, so if he has started that “Project 2025” of the Thinktanks Heritage Foundation, it will indicate that it is right to follow the wool exactly. “The American has never had a healthy Zensur problem,” he says, going through X, the network of Trump betrayers and multibillion-dollar Elon Musk. «Big Tech has brought people to their own state, now we have the right to live. The Zensurkartell must be dismantled and restored.” The straight Echokammer X is no longer applicable, there are no other solutions for Apple, Meta, Google and Microsoft.

Provided Musk provides the best

Trump has no personal opinions, but he cannot exercise new power. In the message that the chefs received a short message, there are messages from the US. Darin warned the names Tim Cook (Apple), Mark Zuckerberg (Meta), Satya Nadella (Microsoft) and Sundar Pichai (Alphabet) who ensured that the active activities could be controlled. “The American has no idea of ​​the Zensur experience,” but with the Schreiben. “I have a relationship with each other without having to deal with them in a certain role.”

There is a problem that arises when it comes to a blessing, weeder auf Der X-Besitzer und Trump-Unterstützer Musk stimulated sogleich mit die Wort zu: «based», was so likely that it was absolutely affected. Both of them can tell themselves, who is aussieht.

«Einen Geysir von Bundesgeldern» for Musk

I went to Musk’s Carr Weltraumbahnhof in Texas in August, a photo of both driving the run. There is a description of the variety from Brazil, Musks The magazine Politico called a text about Brendan Carr in October: “The DC Bureau, the Elon Musk Milliards love them.” There are Musk’s Starlink Unternehmen «a Geysir von Bundesgeldern eröffnen».

After Joe Biden founded the FCC by a Democrat, he went to the Stelle Republican Kommando in January. It was a fact for the Trump band from Silicon Valley in the liberal California era that it would disappear less. Jedenfalls hat der Rückkehrer ins Weisse Haus offenkundig een Mann entdeckt, der ihm beim Feldzug gegen seine Kritiker behilflich sein könnte. Before the Wahl had dared Trump, he would have given the CBS and NBC channels the Lizenz-entziehen.

“Brendan Carr has shared the messages with his message, the Wünsche of Donald Trump and Elon Musk will get their properties,” said Craig Aaron, the “Washington Post”, of the liberal lobby group Free Press Action. “There is some promise that the American economy will get the price they need.”

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The new team is Donald Trump



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