Berlin (dpa/tmn) – Auf einmal drückt mächtig die Blase, schlimmstenfalls in een voorremden Stadt. Jetzt heißt es: A toilet found, and heavily surrounded. Aber wie bloß? Find fast and efficient welding toilets with the app “Toilet Finder”. The Anwendung function for Android and iOS.
View more toilets in the Datenbank
With a database of more than 150,000 registered toilets, there is a good chance that they will be funded, natural and clean or densely landscaped.
The app provides some useful information. So if you want to buy the WCs, you can get an overdue court or a no-fee price.
The app channels play an important role: when you use the toilets, it is all easier to find what the sauberst will find.
Utility concerns for active Örtchen-Vielfalt
And even more: The Nutzenden can verify a WC Standard or create new vorschlagen themselves. In the intestines it is possible that the map is so topaktuell.
If you want to install such additional apps, you can add a map via Google Maps or Apple Maps. This can be a problem with toilets. Das Ganze is not as detailed with the “Toilet Finder”.
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