Beim Güterbahnhof Wolfurt dries the Montagnachmittag a container in the Gleisen abzurutschen. If the container is hanging 16 meters above the Gleise, the Gleise must first be blocked.
19.11.2024 12.40
Online session heute, 12.40 pm
The Montagnachmittag comes from the newspaper with a Kran am Güterbahnhof Wolfurt about a critical situation. A container, loaded with drinks, suddenly tipped over and hung still behind the door and then dropped off. If you need to use the Security Greens to leave the terminal, you must close it and the Gleis will be blocked.
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Unclear Ladung care for Verzögerung
If you start, there is still no clarity about the inhalation of containers, regarding the storage methods. After contacting the senders, you may find that there is a trade in the trade that can no longer be loaded. This unprocessed loading is carried out in the Kran zum Kippen des Behälters.
Container could be recovered
Due to the alarming power outages of the Feuerwehr, the Kranbetreiber and another Fachleuten rasch implemented a plan on how the containers could be secured. The container would be undamaged and the bet could be opened a second time.
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