Am 12. November 2024 verstarb Thomas Eugen Kurtz, Professor for Mathematics and known as Mitrefinder der Programmiersprache BASIC, “peacefully” in Alter von 96 years. A message was sent to Knox College in Illinois, which had its first academic program in 1950.
Kurtz, born in 1928 Später received his PhD from Princeton and live at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, where we collaborate with John Kemeny and Mary Kenneth BASIC. The spread of the Dartmouth Time-Sharing Systems (DTSS), a system of systems with computer resources, is one of the students and students of the university who use computer nutzung to make use of it. DTSS allows more attention to be paid to an investigation – this is a new fact. BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is a solution for studying the computer on the computer, which provides a simple structure when spoken in the 60s by FORTRAN or ALGOL. Der Name der Sprache war gleichzeitig ihr Programm: “We wanted a word that was simple, but not simple in spirit”, erklärte Kurtz im Nachhinein. If you have a beige translation of the Sprache, if you have found the university, then the general costs for your Verfügung zu set.
Das Knox College, one of the leading academic Abschluss students, has made a light effort.
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The first BASIC program started at Dartmouth on May 1, 1964 (the Sprache was celebrated on January 60) and was completed around the new Sailing Code. BASIC file is a quadruple representation of PRINT, LET, IF, THEN, FOR, NEXT, INPUT, END and the way the Entwicklern verachteten, aber für Anfänger hilariousen GOTO. There is a longer programming of the Spaghetti code. Edsger Dijkstra, a pioneer of structural programs, founded in 1975, is no longer possible, studying programs for programming, which were previously completed with BASIC in berührung.
True and Microsoft Basic
BASIC is available in the basic computer size of the 1970s, and so are the existing microcomputer utilities. Bill Gates and Microsoft started their careers in 1976 with Microsoft BASIC, a year before MS-DOS. Letzteres since 1981 zur weiteren Verbreitung von Microsoft BASIC bei, das Programmiersprache fester File van de Betriebssystems war. Let me use more care and free dialect of BASIC entstands, the list on Wikipedia is long and not all that the Erfinder contains. Kurtz and Kemeny launched their own variant, True Basic, on the market in 1983. This is a modern structuring element with IF … THEN … ELSE, DO … LOOP or EXIT DO, a GOTO-Falle is completed. A war has started building a platform for DOS/Windows, Mac and Unix/Linux, everything in the Verkauf is not that easy. Nor heute It is difficult to consult the website.
There is still no True Basic available online.
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In the Neunzige verlor BASIC you can make a beddeutung with C and Pascal. Once Microsoft moves Visual Basic beyond the original version, Visual Basic .NET 2002 will be one of the last results.
1988 as a matter of fact, with regard to the financial obligations and guidelines of the course of the study, 1993 of the reading in the course of mathematics. There are hinterlässt seine Ehefrau Agnes, 3 Children, 9 Single and 17 Hour Single.
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