This is the «Hear Me Out» of the Editorial version

This is the «Hear Me Out» of the Editorial version

Hear me put

Image: watson/sabethvela

User Unser

On TikTok, the «Hear Me Out» trend is becoming viral, people are being betrayed, but the Schwärmereien have come for fallen characters. It’s a shame.

Beim «Hear Me Out»-Trend betrays People on Social Media in this was special Crushes. The 0815-Schwärmerei for Hollywood-Schönlinge with Ryan Gosling was also no more interesting. Nesquik was appealed to on TikTok, the Pringles or Gordon Ramsay logo was generated. It’s a crushing man saying, “Listen to me, I can understand.” This is the Editors’ «Hear Me Out».

Video: watson/watsin/sabethvela

Carlo Natter

«Nala von ‹King of the Löwen›! No one has to listen to me, everyone understands.”

Nala is the Friend of Simba

Nala is the Friend of Simba at “King of the Löwen”.Image: Disney

Timo Wettstein

“Possibly fix Kim. If it’s a cool sock, anything goes.”

Kim possible

Kim Possible is the main character in the new Disney series. It’s a secret agent.Image: Disney

Lena Schibli

«HEAR ME OUT!!! Is it possible that it is no longer interesting, or? Franklin von ‹Franklin – Eine Schildkröte erobert die Welt›.»


Franklin’s series is about a young schildkröte, but with his friends in his world studies.Image: ARD Mediathek

Hanna Dedial

«I’m lost in the Hot Priest of ‹Fleabag›. If there is a Hear Me Out, the series will no longer happen. The man who definitively works in Gottesmann is the world sold by Andrew Scott. If a Lovestory is a fact, we can stop the Catholic priest. Mit so fell Charme. People notice so sharply that a woman’s character is written! Jetzt hab ich grad wieder bizli Liebeskummer, hach.»

Andrew Scott in Fleabag

Image: Amazon Prime

Olivier Meier

«For my philosophy fan it is of course clear: My secret Crush is Barbara Bleisch. Warum? Darum.»

Barbara Bleisch is a moderator at SRF.

Image: SRF Sternstunde Philosophy

Sabeth Vela

«Nick Wilde from ‹Zoomania›! No one can say it isn’t extra hot, with its poor performance!»

Nick Wilde is Offizier Hopps' police partner at «Zoomania».

Nick Wilde is Judy Hopps’ police partner on «Zoomania».Image: [email protected]

Rafael Bühlmann

«Hach, Misty von Pokémon! Is there a malfunction? Ein bisschen zickig, cool, rote Haare! Since that rote Haare?»

Misty von Pokémon

Image: Pokémon

Welcher’s character is “Hear Me Out”? Write in the comments!


These films and series were made for Disney


These films and series were made for Disney

«Krieg der Sterne»

Yes, Disney has given the Kauf von Lucasfilm the Rechte an der Marke «Star Wars». It was no longer possible for the Vertriebsrechte for the Original Trilogy to exist. Nun, the Mauskonzern can also theoretically market a new version of an episode four.

Image: 20th century fox

quelle: fox from the 20th century

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