Enjoyable Christmas nights: Festliche Getränke zum Nachmachen

Enjoyable Christmas nights: Festliche Getränke zum Nachmachen

NRW. Enjoy mulled wine and eggnog on Christmas Eve. But you should not always drink alcohol: enjoy a nice drink.

  • Not everything late night gettränke sparrows Alcohol enthalten.
  • Gastronomers from NRW tasty recipes zum Nachmachen.
  • Winterly Getränke-Creaties with a fruity note it’s here in the overview.

Redder and whiter mulled wine, kakao with rum or eggnog – the perfect way to enjoy your holiday. If there is strong immunity when welding, there is no alcohol involved. Wir haben für Sie sieben nihnachtliche Getränke-Rezepturen sister compound. Everything is fruitful with dabei.

Der Hot Apple is outside the faith in the Weihnachtszeit

The winter life with the different summer Aromen is fragmented by Igor Simic. There is concern in Langenfeld das “Myster I’s Café & Bar“ and that “Salt and Passion“. A highlight during the winter: der Hot apple. The Kreation is perfect for appetizers and you can enjoy your meal with ease.

  • Zutaten for 1 portion: approx. 250 ml Apfelsaft, 2 cl Amaretto syrup, 1 Zimtstange and 2 Apfelspalten
  • Zubereitung: The Apfelsaft is placed in a top layer or in the sink and then in a full glass. Amaretto syrup is sucked and an Apfel zwei Spalten-sucking. For the finale, the aroma is neither a Zimtstange nor fruitful!
Hot Apple im Salt & Passion Langenfeld

One of the most credible experiences is the gastronome Igor Simic, resident of Salt & Passion in Langenfeld, der Hot Apple.
© Igor Simić | Igor Simic

The alcohol-free version of Hot Lillet is a lot easier to use

Over the years, the malfunction may occur after alcohol-free operation Hot Lillet food, so der Gastronom aus Langenfeld. Statt des französischen Aperitifs can be prepared with a variant of alcohol-free Gin. The creation is an absolute must for those things that are as beautiful as possible and a fertile component that has no woolen insight.

  • Zutaten for 1 portion: approx. 200 ml Schweppes-Wildberry, 4 cl non-alcoholic Gin, Waldfrüchte, 1 Zweig Minze
  • Zubereitung: The alcohol-free Gin and Schweppes-Wildberry in a top wine. Achtung: Das Getränk didn’t last long, weil is initially grim. Danach in a glass full and the Waldfrüchte die Minze hinzugeben.

Pumpkin Spice Latte is available in the winter

Der Pumpkin Spice Latte It is no longer a grocery store, which has given Igor Simic the best hat. Auch im Winter it is Getränk with my Guest fragmented. The Milchgetränk with delicious Gewürzen eignet is ideal, even in the limestone years it was aufzuwärmen.

  • Zutaten for 1 portion: Milch und Milchschaum (mixture according to the size of the Tasse/des Glasses), 1.5 TL Pumpkin Spice Pulver, etwas heißes Wasser
  • Zubereitung: The Pumpkin Spice Pulver in the laundry washes up and stirs a scrambled egg. Fill a glass or a cup with warmer milk and milk froth and then have the Pumpkin-Spice-flüssigkeit.
Pistachio-Matcha-Latte and Pumpkin-Spice-Latte

Im Salt & Passion in Langenfeld gives its Weihnachtszeit the Pistazien-Matcha-Latte (left) and the Pumpkin Spice Latte (right).
© Igor Simić | Igor Simic

Combination of Matcha and Pistazie

Since the Dubai Chocolate on TikTok has been a big success, there has been a change in the price of the delicious Pistazieni Aroma. The Steinfrucht is not as good as other combined devices. So oh well with Matcha. With the powder, the best green tea is good, even with the pistazie in it Pistachio Matcha Latte krieren.

  • Zutaten for 1 portion: Milch and Milchschaum (mix according to the Größe des Glasses/der Tasse), 1.5 TL Pistazien-Matcha-Pulver (alternative to Matcha-Pulver and Pistazien-Sirup) and a high washer
  • Zubereitung: The Pistazien-Matcha-Pulver in etwas heißem Wasser auflösen. A glass or a cup with warmer milk and milk foam is filled and the pistachio-matcha fluffiness is interrupted. If Matcha Pulver from the Hause hat is now, you can keep it warm and heat the milk. Dann einfach noch Pistazien-Sirup hinzugeben.

Weitere Themen around Essen and Trinken zur Weihnachtszeit in NRW

The Apfel-Holunder-Orangen-Punsch-steckt voller weihnachtlicher Aromen

It should never be a mulled wine. Who are the statistics with a fruitful winter punch? Dieser lässt ich namlich auch ohne Alcoholkreieren. Who etwa der Apfel-Holunder-Orangen-Punsch, of the varied Gewürze, fresh Obst and Fruchtsäfte miteinander united.

The Apfel-Holunder-Orangen-Punsch vereint verschiedene Fruchtsäfte mit würzigen Aromen.

The Apfel-Holunder-Orangen-Punsch vereint verschiedene Fruchtsäfte mit würzigen Aromen.
© Getty Images/iStockphoto | ChamomileWhite

Directions for 4 Portions: 2 Oranges, 600 ml Apfelsaft, 400 ml Holundersaft, 8 Gewürznelken, 3 Zimtstangen, 4 Sternanis, 15 Pimentkörner, 80 g Rohrzucker, 1 TL Zitronensaft

Zubereitung: Holunder and Apfelsaft in a Topf geben. Wash orange, remove bowl and set aside. Die both Orangen auspressen und de Saft under de Holunder-Apfelsaft-Mischung rühren. A tea filter with the orange peels, the gewürznelken, the zimtstangen, the sternanis and the allspice körner are filled and in most cases dried. Everything is getting there slowly. Dann de Rohrzucker in de Saftmischung auflösen. While the heat of the heat is reduced, the top of the device and the operation of eight minutes seehen. Remove with glass fiber and place in bags.

Ideal for Apfelliebhaber: Der Mr. Apple Crumble

Winterlight Getränke-Rezepturen arrive Williams bar and kitchen in Dusseldorf. Mitinhaber Tobias Eroglu empfiehlt den Mr. Apple Crumble. During use, the aroma is combined with an alcohol-free cocktail that is best in winter. A special note is that the creation goes through the alcohol-free whisky.

Weihnachtliche Getränke-Rezepturen zum Nachmachen

Das Williams Bar & Kitchen in Düsseldorf presents Mr. Apple Crumble.
© Williams Bar & Kitchen | Williams bar and kitchen

Zutaten for 1 portion: 6 cl Undone Non-Whisky alcohol-free, 3 cl fresher Zitronensaft, 2 cl Zimtsirup, 8 cl Apfelsaft naturtrüb, 1-2 cl Eiweiß (optional), 1 Apfel, etwas Zimt

Zubereitung: All products with requirements in a shaker have been shaken and shaken. Danach in a cocktail glass full. With an application and a Zimtstang garnish and alternative, nor was it Zimt darauf streuen.

Non-alcoholic Martini Pomegranate

The pomegranate is one of the symbolic fruits of the Weihnachtszeit. The fruit can spread in various posts or be used as a western decoration. Whoever is with one thing in winter non-alcoholic Martini Pomegranate?

One fruit, which was often brought into the Verbindung on Christmas Eve, is the Granatapfel.

One fruit, which was often brought into the Verbindung on Christmas Eve, is the Granatapfel.
© Shutterstock / Bon appetit | Enjoy your meal

Directions for 1 Portions: 4 cl Martini Floreale (alcohol-free), 12 cl Schweppes Pomegranate, Grapefruit Spalte, Frisian Minze, Granatapfelkerne

Zubereitung: Martine Floreale and Schweppes pomegranate in a glass of geben en miteinander vermischen. Dann Eis hinzugeben. Danach the Grapefruit spalte and the Pomegranate core hinzugeben. Zum Schluss nor with a Zweig Minze decorieren.

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