Copyright: 2024 Getty Images/Hannes Magerstaedt
Heiner Lauterbach at the premiere of “Turmschatten” during Filmfest Munich 2024. In the Series (on Sky) an Israeli Top Agent, who has created a number of neo-Nazis in Germany, is still at work. The Internet is segregated, whether it is a star or a star. (Photo: 2024 Getty Images/Hannes Magerstaedt)
In the Thriller series “Turmschatten” (Sept. 15 November at Sky/Wow), Heiner Lauterbach played a former Israeli top agent who made a Trutzburg hat in Germany developed for Waffen and Sicherheitssystemen. When neo-Nazis go on an adoption tour, the end of the final ring is like geiseln. The Internet is “live” segregated, be it lives or deaths. Parallel shift is a right part of power. The series is on the list of Bestseller-Novel von Peter Grandl, de Stoff schon mit Hauptdarsteller Heiner Lauterbach in de Kopf van de Serie machen wolllte.
Copyright: Jürgen Olczyk / Paramount+ / The Amazing Film Company / Sky
Zamir (Heiner Lauterbach, second on the left) has confronted the neo-Nazi-Angreifer “Steiner” (Paul Wollin, left) and Karl Rieger (Klaus Steinbacher). It became bald that the web camera was recorded in his life. (Image: Jürgen Olczyk / Paramount+ / The Amazing Film Company / Sky)
A thriller about neo-Nazis, a German Jude with the Israeli background of the Kampf, is a collaboration with the political interests of the association. Schauspieler Heiner Lauterbach says in an interview with the telegraph agent that he personally fears a total legal action by the German company that: “It is a clear representation, which will have a solches Deutschland nicht”, is one of the 71 years for sure .
Parallel between the 1930s and the 1930s
Copyright: Jürgen Olczyk / Paramount+ / The Amazing Film Company / Sky
Ephraim Zamir (Heiner Lauterbach) asks for conversation with Rabbi before. Der wohlhabende Jude hat vor, üppig for the Neubau a synagogue to the expenses. The plan captured the Nazi vision. (Image: Jürgen Olczyk / Paramount+ / The Amazing Film Company / Sky)
Copyright: 2024 Getty Images/Hannes Magerstaedt
Das Ehepaar Viktoria and Heiner Lauterbach during Deutschen Filmball 2024 in Munich. The new series project of the 71-year-old Schausplayers is in his “Nachbar” at Starnberger See, bestselling author Peter Grandl, for the Stoff “Turmschatten” in his vision. (Photo: 2024 Getty Images/Hannes Magerstaedt)
“Going through the Ampel politics, it may be that the power of the extreme Randes is pitiful,” Lauterbach said in a Teleschau interview. The regime of the last three years also focuses the Star-schauspieler on Zeugnis aus. Dennoch liegt die Gründe für das Erstarken des Populismus seiner Meinung nach an zijner Stelle. “It is a passion of the gleichen Grund, where these ideas originated in Germany in the 1930s. If you orient yourself, there may not be a single hat, no money and a few nice hats, which of course are on the erlöser. One, der die thinge-packing, arranges and man wieder hoffnung-gibt.”
Nach Lauterbachs Meinung functions straightforwardly and populist Erfolge überall and much more: „Deutschland den Deutschen! The Parols of damals and heute separate themselves kaum. If there is a problem with self-service, this punk can be addressed and if we want to start.“ Follow the miniseries „Turmschatten“. From Peter Grandl’s „Turning Treasures“, it has become a Roman series. The Fortsetzung der Serie has not been eliminated either. (tsch)
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