The Norwegian North Korean Truppen in Russia are a few times more Eskalationsstufen in Konflikt Swiss Russia and Ukraine. About 15,000 soldiers from North Korea are invading the Russian Region of Kursk. Ihr Ziel: You can deal with the Russian Comrades of the Ukrainian Armee of the Russian Territory of Drängen.
North Korean dictator Kim Jong has had an idea: the Truppen mission could support Moscow in the fight against hunger in the country and a charity soldier. Experts say, Russian President Wladimir Putin Atomic technology will do that.
Ukraine update
With our update newsletter for Ukraine-Krieg there are current information, with interesting background and exclusive analyzes from the experts and experts of the Tagesspiegels.
Kein Wunder, who was Kim one of the best military officers among the 500 officers on duty, died in Russia along with the soldier’s service rank. It acts when it is right American newspaper ‘Wall Street Journal’ and others Media reports about General Kim Yong Bok.
If ‘WSJ’ comes from abroad in Kiev and Seoul and as ‘mystery man’, also as mysterious Mann, he will probably be worth existing.
Neuerdings fell on the page of the dictators they saw
Bisher kommandierte General Kim de riesige Spezialeinheit Nordkoreas, de 200,000 Soldaten umfassen soll. The “WSJ” message began Kim’s first visit to Russia and North Korea in the summer of the Abkommenschlossen.
General Kim Yong Bok gives instructions to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.
© IMAGO/ZUMA Press Wire
It’s a matter of being with Kim Jong-un while everyone is in a convenient location, while it’s a matter of being in a military area or a military area. “Kim Yong Bok was alone in this year during his entire life, having an open relationship with Kim Jong in his face,” writes the Newsletter Portal “Table Media”.
Laut a vom “WSJ” is an expert in the Diktator Russland, so says there is an interesting treatise. Kim has long bequeathed his military and political leadership in North Korea.
Before a few years had the nerve to stop a speech for Kim Jong once. Kim Yong Bok is a commander of the General Staff, who holds a military position in the army. Under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Arbeiterpartei, this is now 140 Mitglieder-umfasst.
Biographically, it is not that it is generally known. Again signal Alter, nor signal Geburtsort, nor other private information.
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After Hilfe took charge of Russia after North Korea, Kim Jong-un is said to have said that his generals and soldiers in Kursk had a role in the modern Kriegsführung-bekommen. This is true of Kim’s relationship with South Korea and the US. The Army of the Seine disappeared before the Ernstfall.
When the dictator is on the offensive, there are no soldiers who will abandon the Kriegsgerät: Pjöngjang now has plenty of military equipment, military armor and military rockets, a Russian army who reports to the South Korean Secret Service. (Theel)
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