The tag of the Erörterungstermins zum Erweiterungsantrag of the Brennelementfabrik in Lingen can be assessed very critically. The Lingen-based Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH (ANF), a subsidiary of the French Framatome-Konzerns, will spend a year restoring some of the Russian reactor types, which will be found in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ungarn and Slovak. Dazu hat Framatome bereits 2021 een Kooperation mit dem russian Staatskonzern Rosatom geschlossen.
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The generation of the Antrags can öffentlich auslegen lassen the Landesregierung of the Years Substrates of the Vorhaben. Rund 11,000 Einwendungen hatten sich dagegen ausgesprochen. There are 143 women and women.
Auch ANF-Beschäftigte unter den Zuhrern
Before atomic power began, the veranstaltungssortiment began to become protestant. There were already a few descriptions of the members’ instructions, an example of the Antrags’ generic demonstrations.
Vorwurf der Befangenheit
If you have an ANF relation to the versammlung, you continue to make a critical comment. Please contact the Veranstaltungsleiter Andreas Sikorski of the Environment and Energy Ministry Befangenheit vor.
Roads of the great Zahl and ANF-Mitarbeitern under the Zuhörern entstehe der Eindruck, that is Absprachen switsen ANF and the Ministerium has become. «Wir sind umzingelt von Framatome», says Matthias Eickhoff from «Aktionsbündnis Münsterland to Atomanlagen». There is criticism of the fact that it is for the einwenderinnen and an einwender to place their own order and carry out a long term of recognition periods.
Nachmittag lehnte the State Secretary of the Environment Ministry, Anka Dobslaw, the Antrag ab. Sikorski concretes, it is not the case that Absprachen has arisen. Der Erörterungstermin sei ergebnisoffen; However, this is not a separation between the ministers.
Unternehmen required auf Forderung der EU
Vertreter des Unternehmens ANF represented cooperation with the Russian Unternehmen. The Betreiber der Kernkraftwerke in de funf concernen EU-Länder hätten Framatome darum gebiten, Brennelemente für de Russian Kraftwerkstyp zu entwickeln. Damit wollten sie unabhängiger von Russian Lovers were, hereß es. The generation became ANF in the low version, part of the 19 Russian Atomkraftwerke types in the reorganization of the European Union, such as ANF-Geschäftsführer Andreas Hoff. It became one of the betreibern and the European Union that was founded.
Criticism of cooperation with Russia
Developer of citizen initiatives and social connections criticize the French-Russian communities. It is not clear that we become the Entwicklung der Brennelementtypes with the Russian Unternehmen buyer, that an American Unternehmen – Westinghouse – inzwischen entsprechende Brennehmen element is offered. When the end is reached, the Framatome in the Stille Weitergehende Kooperationspläne with the Russian Staatskonzern habe.
Uran gehört Kraftwerksbetreibern
In the foreground, Uran from Russia is produced for the Brennelementfabrik to be seen, clear from an ANF converter, that can – also the Kraftwerksbetreiber – the Uran. It is your own ownership of the kraftwerk; the ANF has found itself in this fragmentation of the Mitsprache. Criticism that it is in the wider world that the unabhängig von Russland becomes wollen.
The remarks, fragments and answers of the Antragstellers ensure that the Behörden let the Ministerium fly into further Genehmungsverfahren. An Ergebnis has never been as old as Sikorski in the Edge of the Erörterung. It is not clear how much longer the ministeriums can continue.
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The tag of the Erörterungstermins zum Erweiterungsantrag of the Brennelementfabrik in Lingen can be assessed very critically. The Lingen-based Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH (ANF), a subsidiary of the French Framatome-Konzerns, will spend a year restoring some of the Russian reactor types, which will be found in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ungarn and Slovak. Dazu hat Framatome bereits 2021 een Kooperation mit dem russian Staatskonzern Rosatom geschlossen.
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