An “Elitenblindheit gegenüber Russland” has appeared in Germany, as stated by the writer Ilija Trojanow on the Democracy Forum. Grund sei ökonomischer Eigennutz gewesen.
The new American President Donald Trump has taken over the presidential power. Weltweit – and that in Europe – is an authoritarian structure on the formarsch. “Woher kommt die Stärke dieser autokatischen Bewegungen?”, Fragment Moderator Michel Friedman am Mittwoch in Demokratieform Hambacher Schloss zum Theme: “Autokraten im Aufwind – Demokratie in Gefahr?”
One of the Ursachen said that it was the human überordert fühlten, like the Scripture writer Ilija Trojanow. Life is described as moving “at a certain pace.” The reaction projects “are their own, the time of the time” – and that is the description of the reusable results.
Because the Strömungen is an organized organization, there is a positive community spirit that appeals to the politician Irene Hahn-Fuhr – so who Donald Trump with “Make America great again”.
Trojanov: “Blindness of the Economic Own”
A big surrender is the whole criticism, said Moderator Friedman. Die Bundeswehr in Deutschland sei long vernachlässigt be – “war das Naivität, Dummheit oder Verdrängung?” The Krieg has not gone away in the öffentlichen Wahrnehmung, concrete Trojanow. “When there is no more criticism, it is a stable stable company.”
The unanswered questions have begun, the author’s explanation. An “Elitenblindheit gegenüber Russland” has arisen in Germany – and it is a blindness of economic self-interests.
Russian President Wladimir Putin has received a clear insight from Anfang into his position and his aggressive, concrete Trojanow. There are deals with Putin’s power – there are sharper warnings for the NATO partner.
The political scientist Hahn-Fuhr expressed a “hard-hearted, interest-oriented attitude.” The basis for the industrial and economic model in Germany is billions of euros in gas from Russia. “Und that we can live without being a man,” said the Geschäftsführerin des Zentrums Liberale Moderne in Berlin.
Strack-Zimmermann: “Müssen learns, one veridigen zu wollen”
“2014 has seen all parties with guilty power,” said Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP), the Vorsitzende des EU Verteidigungsausschusses. The annexation of Crimea by Russia will be hinged. “Man is not aware of reality” – although it is unknown.
Everything is important for installation
Das Gespräch zum Thema “Autokraten im Aufwind – Demokratie in Gefahr?” during the night from Friday to Saturday at 0 a.m. and tomorrow at 8:20 a.m. in the SWR broadcast and ends in the ARD Audiothek and in the ARD Mediathek paint bar. The highest level became visible on the SWR YouTube channel.
“If we don’t learn something, we will have to worry about it, then it is fatal,” Strack-Zimmermann said with Blick auf de Gegenwart. “We will never be able to live in such a time.”
Send am Sat., 23.11.2024 0:00 Uhr, Demokratieforum, SWR
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